Government signed $80M loan with the world bank to develop agriculture

The Agriculture sector holds a significant contribution to the Indian economy. Which means, improving agriculture will strengthen the economy too. That is why the government has also started focusing more and more on the agriculture sector since the last few years. In the same episode, the Government of Himachal Pradesh signed an $80 million loan agreement with the World Bank to develop the state’s agriculture.

This amount will be spent mainly on improving water management practices and increasing agricultural productivity in various Gram Panchayats of Himachal Pradesh. According to a media report, this project will be executed in 10 districts of the state covering 428 Gram Panchayats. It will benefit around 400,000 smallholder farmers.

This project will be very beneficial for the farmers of Himachal Pradesh, as many of the lowland areas of the state lack sufficient water for irrigation and are chiefly dependent on rainwater. But the constant decrease in the rainfall and climate change is affecting the production of fruits grown in Himachal Pradesh, including its iconic apples. This step could also play a big role in contributing to the central government’s mission of doubling the farmers’ incomes.


PM Kisan Maan dhan Yojana: Farmers will get pension of 3,000 rupees per months

Many farmers in our country have to face financial problems due to different reasons. This problem increases further when the farmer gets older. Keeping this in mind, the government has launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Man-Dhan Yojana. Under this scheme, the farmers will receive a pension of Rs 3000 per month in their old ages. 

Who can apply?

Farmers under 18 to 40 years of age can register for the Prime Minister Kisan Mandhan scheme. If you are 18 years old, then you would have to deposit only 55 rupees every month. But if you are 40, then you would require to deposit 200 rupees per month.  

According to a media report, more than 19 lakh farmers have already registered under this scheme. The best thing about this scheme is that the government will also deposit the amount in your account, which will be equal to what you put in it.


The government launched FPO Scheme, 86 percent farmers will be benefited.

There’s good news for Indian farmers as the Central Government has recently launched an enthusiastic programme to develop around 10,000 FPOs (Farmers Producers Organisations) throughout the nation. These FPO’s would be beneficial mostly for those small and marginal farmers, whose landholdings are less than one hectare. According to a media report, such farmers account for 86 per cent of total farmers in the country. 

The FPOs (Farmers Producers Organisations) are member-based organisations. Which means that in an FPO, farmers will be the members. These organisations will include experts from various fields like agri-marketing, crop husbandry, value-addition & processing, and Information technology etc. so that they can help farmers on all issues.  The Central government has allocated a fund of Rs 4,496 crore for this project. These FPOs are expected to be set up over a five-year period i.e. till 2024.

This project will provide small farmers with a platform to resolve various challenges in the process of farming. While launching the scheme on Saturday (29 February), the Prime minister himself had said that these FPOs will turn the farmers into businessmen.


Good news! Now all beneficiaries of the PM Kisan scheme will get KCC

There’s good news for Indian farmers. The central government had announced that all the beneficiaries of the PM Kisan scheme will be issued a Kisan Credit Card (KCC). The government has also started a 15-day special campaign to issue these KCC cards. According to a media report, around 14 crore farmers will get the benefits under this scheme.

What is the KCC scheme?

Under the Kisan Credit Card scheme, the farmers will get a card, through which they can get a loan of up to Rs 3 lakh, and that’s too at an interest rate of just 7 per cent. The farmers would also get an additional discount of 3 per cent if they deposit the amount within the given time period. Which means, the farmers will now have to pay only 4 per cent interest on the Kisan Credit Card loan.

The central government has issued all the Detailed instructions regarding this campaign to the Chairman of NABARD, the Managing Directors of all banks and also to the Governments of all the States / UTs. Each bank and Government of each state/UT have been advised to list all those beneficiaries of the PM-Kisan scheme who do not have a KCC. Apart from this, they are also advised to contact all these beneficiaries of the scheme through the concerned departments.


What is PM Kisan scheme and what are its benefits?

PM Kisan scheme-

The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (generally known as the PM Kisan Yojana) is a central government’s scheme, which aims to provide income support to Indian farmers so that they can meet their financial needs regarding various agricultural inputs. This scheme was launched on 24th February 2019 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. Initially, the benefits of this scheme applied to the small & Marginal farmers only, but now it is extended to all farmer families, irrespective of the size of their landholdings.

Benefits of the scheme

Under the PM-KISAN scheme, each eligible farming family will be provided with a financial benefit of 6000 Rs per annum. This amount will be provided in three equal instalments of Rs. 2000 each, which would be provided every fourth month.

This scheme had already proved to be very fruitful to millions of farmers. According to a media report, around 7.6 crore farmers had received its benefits until November 2019. And now the government has added even more features to this scheme. Along with the scheme, farmers will also get many other additional benefits and facilities.


KISAN Samman Yojana: Following steps have been taken for the ease of application under KCC

  • A simple 1-page form is designed to obtain basic data from the bank’s record under PM Kisan Yojna, and only one copy of the land record with details of crop sown would be required for that. 
  • This form will be available with an ad published in all leading newspapers across India and the same can be cut & filled by the beneficiaries.
  • You can also download the form from websites of all Scheduled Commercial Banks, the website of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare and PM-KISAN.
  • Common Service Centres have been given permission to fill up the form & transmit the same to the concerned bank.

Good News for 14 crore Farmers! Now Get Additional Benefits with PM-Kisan Payout

  • Eligible farmers will get Rs. 6000 annually.

  • Farmers eligible for PM Kisan Samman Nidhi yojana can easily get Kisan Credit Card.

  • Farmers can get a loan up to Rs 3 lakh at just 4% interest rate.

  • Eligible farmers can take benefit of Pradhan Mantri Suraksha BimaYojana (PMSBY) & Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana (PMJJBY).  

  • These two schemes offer both accidental insurance and life insurance at a premium of Rs.12 and Rs.330 respectively, for an insured value of Rupees two lakh in each case.


Government’s big initiative, farmers will also get a subsidy of up to 50 percent on combine harvesters

  • The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to give subsidies to farmers for purchasing combine harvesters from this year.
  • Subsidy amount given to farmers on agricultural equipment has also been increased. 
  • The Madhya Pradesh government will now provide a subsidy of 50 percent of the price on the purchase of agricultural implements to small, marginal, scheduled-caste, scheduled-tribe and women farmers and 40 percent subsidy on the cost to other farmers.
  • For more information about this news icon, you can contact us at .

Budget 2020 bought good news for the Agriculture sector…

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman, has presented her second union budget today. In this budget, the government had announced various changes for almost all sectors in the nation. While presenting the budget, the Finance Minister has announced 16 major points for farmers and the agricultural sector. The key highlight of these announcements are as follows-

  1. To boost agricultural exports in both international as well as domestic routes, the government had announced a Krishi Udaan scheme.
  2. The target for Agricultural credit has also been increased to Rs 15 lakh crore from Rs 12 lakh crore
  3. Rs 2.83 lakh crore has been allotted for FY21 for Agriculture and irrigation
  4. Rs 1.23 lakh crore is allotted for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
  5. fodder farm and cold storage would be developed under NABARD Refinancing Scheme
  6. The government had announced to raise fish production to 200 lakh tonnes by 2022-23
  7. milk processing capacity is targeted to be doubled to 108 MT
  8. Government proposes measures to improve the situation in 100 water-stressed districts
  9. Government to set up 20 lakh to benefit farmers
  10. Separate Kisan Rails will be started in PPP mode for perishable goods
  11. The government will increase focus on One product for one district model for farmer’s welfare.
  12. Government to focus on Zero Budget farming
  13. e-NAM to be integrated with the financing of negotiable warehousing receipts
  14. Farm markets will be liberalized
  15. Farmers would be educated for Balanced use of fertilizers in the farmlands
  16. In a bid to liberalize agricultural markets, the govt plans handhold farmers

क्या है प्रधानमंत्री किसान पेंशन योजना?

  1. आप इसके लिए अपने नजदीकी कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर (CSC) पर जाकर अपना नाम दर्ज करवा सकते हैं।
  2. केंद्रीय कृषि मंत्रालय (Ministry of Agriculture) के संयुक्त सचिव राजबीर सिंह के मुताबिक रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए कोई फीस नहीं लगेगी।
  3. यदि कोई किसान बीच में स्कीम छोड़ना चाहता है तो उसका पैसा नहीं डूबेगा। उसने स्कीम छोड़ने तक जो पैसे जमा किए होंगे उस पर सेविंग अकाउंट के ब्याज का ब्याज मिलेगा।
  4. वरिष्ठ नागरिक (Senior Citizen) होते ही यानी 60 साल उम्र के बाद हर माह 3000 रुपये पेंशन (Pension) मिलेगी।
  5. इस स्कीम के पात्र 18 से 40 साल उम्र के लोग ही हैं।
  6. 19 साल की उम्र पर 58 रुपये, 20 साल पर 61, 21 पर 64, 22 साल पर 68, 23 पर 72, 24 पर 76,
  7. 25 पर 80, 26 पर 85, 27 पर 90, 28 पर 95, 29 पर 100, 30 साल उम्र पर 105 रुपये प्रतिमाह प्रीमियम देना होगा।
  8. इसी तरह 31 साल के किसान को मासिक 110 रुपये प्रीमियम देना होगा। इसके बाद 40 साल तक हर साल पर 10 रुपये प्रीमियम बढ़ते-बढ़ते 40 साल पर 200 रुपये हो जाएगा।
  9. रजिस्ट्रेशन के लिए चाहिए ये डॉक्यूमेंट्स!
    1.आधार कार्ड
    2.जमीन रिकॉर्ड
    3.बैंक पासबुक
    4.राशन कार्ड
    5. 2 फोटो

क्या है खास

  1. सरकार भी बराबर राशि का पेंशन निधि में अंशदान करेगी
  2. इस योजना के तहत किसान पीएम-किसान स्कीम से प्राप्‍त लाभ में से सीधे ही अंशदान करने का विकल्‍प चुन
    सकते हैं
  3. अगर लाभ पाने वाले व्यक्ति की मौत हो गई, तो उसके पति/पत्नी को 50% रकम मिलती रहेगी. यानी 1500 रुपये प्रतिमाह
  4. इस कोष का प्रबंधन भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम (एलआईसी) करेगा.
