Rain and short hail may occur from May 11 to 13: Meteorological Department

Take precautions related to agriculture during the weather changes

Last month, farmers suffered due to rain and hail in many states of the country. Now the Indian Meteorological Department has predicted rain and short hail again for the next two to three days.

Since yesterday, many areas of the country have been cloudy and there has been rain along with storms due to which the temperature has also seen a drop. Now the Indian Meteorological Department has issued an alert in this episode, warning that the weather may remain bad in the coming days.

According to the Indian Meteorological Department, winds can reach 30 to 40 kilometers per hour in the coming days. In addition, the activation of the Western Disturbance and its north-easterly movement, coupled with the easterly winds in the plains, indicates a change in weather. Due to this, rain and short hail may occur in most areas of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh from 11 to 13 May.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Now all farmers in MP will have Crop Insurance, Government will take a decision soon

Crop Insurance

The government of Madhya Pradesh has taken several steps for the interest of farmers in the last few days. In the same sequence, the government has also discussed that all the farmers of the state should be insured under the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme. The government can decide on this soon.

Talking to the media on this subject, Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel said that “every farmer in the state will get crop insurance under the Prime Minister’s Crop Insurance Scheme, the state government is going to take this decision soon.”

Significantly, there are about 65 lakh farmers in Madhya Pradesh and among them, 36 lakh farmers insure their crops. The premium for crop insurance is 12%, in which the farmer pays around 2% and the state and central government combine the remaining amount. In the coming time, due to more and more farmers joining this scheme, the premium is likely to decrease further.

Source: IANS


A farmer grows disease-free and advanced chilli crop on the advice of Gramophone

The most important requirement for farming is the soil, hence the healthy soil is very important to get good production from any crop. Understanding this fact, Mr. Jitendra Yadav, a farmer of Kharda village under Gogawan tehsil of Khargone district, understood. Jeetendra used Gramophone Soil Samriddhi Kit in his field before chilli cultivation which has also benefited him a lot.

In the Nimar region of Madhya Pradesh, chilli crops usually start in June-July, but Jeetendra started chilli farming in December, which would be called off-season according to that region. In such a situation, the crop is more likely to get diseases, but the opposite happened. However, about 3 months after the sowing of the crop, when the Team Gramophone reached his fields to meet him, Jeetendra looked excited.

Jitendra said that his 50-day old chilli crop is disease-free and healthy. He was very excited to explain the reason behind this. He said that “I had used Gramophone’s Soil Samriddhi Kit before sowing the crop in my field which resulted in this disease-free and healthy crop.”

It is important to note that using Gramophone’s Soil Samriddhi Kit increases the fertility of the fields and the crop does not require any other external nutrients, so Jitendra’s crop was also healthy and did not have any disease. Jeetendra told that he is expecting good production from his crop this time.

Like Jitendra, if other farmers are thinking of cultivating chilli, then they can cultivate summer chilli crop. Sowing for this occurs in March and April. For any type of information related to chilli cultivation or Soil Samriddhi Kit, give a missed call on toll-free number 18003157566.


Without Crop Insurance, the damage to the crop will be compensated, know what is the way?

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

If your crop is harmed due to any natural disaster, then it gets to benefit from crop insurance scheme but many times farmers do not join this scheme, then they do not get the benefit of this scheme. However, even in such a situation, farmers can get help from the bank from which they have taken an agricultural loan.

The Reserve Bank of India has given information on this subject on its website. According to this information, in case of more than 33% loss to the crop, the bank from whom the farmer has taken a loan, can get help from there.

What is the procedure?
If the central and state government declares your area as a natural disaster-affected area and your crop is at a loss of 33% or more, then you have to go to the bank and report the loss of your crop and tell that the loan you took, your ability to repay it has been affected.

How much help do you get?
If your crop has suffered from 33 to 50%, then the bank will give an additional 2 years to repay your agricultural loan and no installment will have to be paid for the first year of these two years. On the other hand, if there is more than 50% loss to the crop, then the loan repayment period will increase by 5 years and no installment will have to be paid in the first year.

Source: Jansatta


Get information about PM-Kisan, Jan Dhan, LPG subsidy and other schemes in lockdown

Get information about schemes like PM-Kisan and Jan Dhan online in lockdown

In the ongoing nationwide lockdown due to the Corona epidemic, farmers and other people who are beneficiaries of various types of government subsidy schemes are not able to get complete information related to this. In such a situation, you can easily get information related to all these online.

To know the current status of Jan Dhan Yojana, LPG Subsidy Scheme, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, and other similar welfare schemes, you have to follow these steps on the online medium.

Step 1: Log on to the official website of the public management financial system @ pfms.nic.in/NewDefaultHome.aspx.

Step 2: Click on the ‘Know Your Payments’ menu on its home page

Step 3: Now fill the required details like your bank name, account number

Step 4: Submit Captcha Code

Step 5: Then tap on the ‘Search’ option

Step 6: After this, the full debit and credit details will appear on your computer screen.

Step 7: You will get to know the latest money transfer in your bank account.

In times of lockdown when it is dangerous to get out of the house, this online medium is becoming very helpful for everyone. With this, you can know the status of every scheme.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Kisan Credit Card will also help you in meeting domestic needs in lockdown

Kisan Credit Card will also help you in meeting domestic needs in lockdown

The farmers are facing financial problems due to the long-running nationwide lockdown caused by the Corona epidemic. During this time it has become challenging for the farmers to meet the domestic needs along with the needs of farming. However, with the help of Kisan Credit Card, you can get relief from this challenge.

Farmers can also use a part of the amount received from the farmer’s credit card to meet their domestic needs. The Reserve Bank of India has put information in this regard on its website. According to its information, “Farmers across the country can use their Kisan Credit Cards to meet the needs of the household.”

Explain that generally the amount received from the Kisan Credit Card Scheme is used to meet the expenses incurred in the preparation of a crop. But the farmer can also contribute 10% of the total amount received from this scheme towards his household expenses.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Supreme Court decides in favor of sugarcane farmers, millions of farmers will benefit

Supreme Court decides in favor of sugarcane farmers, millions of farmers will benefit

Amidst the worldwide tragedy of the Corona epidemic, the Supreme Court has brought good news to millions of sugarcane farmers of the country. With the decision of the Supreme Court, the old problem of sugarcane farmers seems to be ending. There is often a dispute between the Center and the states about the pricing of sugarcane, which farmers had to suffer. Now a decision to the Supreme Court on this subject can put an end to these controversies.

The decision is given by the Supreme Court, which we are talking about, has been given by a five-judge bench of the court. A five-judge bench upheld a 2004 verdict on sugarcane pricing, saying that “the minimum support price for sugarcane can be fixed by the state governments”. It is worth noting that this decision of the court will benefit about 35 million farmers and their families who depend on sugarcane cultivation for their livelihood.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Banks will not be able to deduct more than 50% of the earning amount from farmers in MP

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

Rabi crops continue to be procured across the country amid nationwide lockdown. Along with the purchase of wheat, now payment has also been made to farmers. But the bank has started deducting money from the farmers who had taken a loan from the bank for farming, due to which the farmers are not getting the full amount.

It is important to note that in Madhya Pradesh, most farmers take crop loans and farmers’ credit card loans to do farming. Farmers then fulfill this loan by selling their crop production. However, this year, due to rainfall and the corona epidemic, the savings of farmers have been very low. Due to which the farmers can face more problems due to the bank cutting the earning money.

Keeping these problems in mind, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has now ordered the banks not to deduct more than 50% of the outstanding loan amount from the amount of crop sold by farmers at minimum support price under the Rabi Earnings. Along with this, the Chief Minister has also instructed the banks to provide loans at zero percent interest to the farmers for the next crop.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Private mandis will now open in Madhya Pradesh, farmers will benefit from this

Private mandis will now open in Madhya Pradesh, farmers will benefit from this

Generally, farmers do not have many options to sell their products and are forced to sell their produce in government mandis. The Government of Madhya Pradesh understood this problem of farmers and has cleared the way to open private mandis in the state.

In this regard, the Chief Minister of the state Shivraj Singh Chauhan has announced that “Now exporters, traders, food processors, etc. can open private mandis and go to the farmer’s land or their home and buy agricultural produce.” Explain that the purpose of this amendment in the mandi rules is to provide better prices to farmers and the freedom to sell their products as per their wish.

The Chief Minister said that with just one license such a private mandi can be eligible for buying the produce of farmers. After that, they will be able to buy from the whole state. After this decision, farmers in Madhya Pradesh will now have more options to sell their products and for this, they will not have to go round the market.

Source: financial express


What’s your state’s number among the states that have benefited the most from the PM farmer?

PM kisan samman

Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, Rs 71,000 crore has been sent to 9.39 crore farmer families in the last few weeks. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar are ranked first, second, third, fourth, and fifth, respectively, among the top 5 states to benefit under the scheme.

A total of 2,17,76,351 farmers have been added to the PM Kisan so far in Uttar Pradesh, of which 2.15 crore has been received as the first installment, 1.95 crores as the second installment, 1.78 crores as third installment and 1.42 crore farmers as the fourth installment.

Maharashtra is at number two with a total of 97,20,823 farmers associated with it. Of these, 94.81 lakh has been given as first installment, 90 lakh as the second installment, 72 lakh as the third installment, and 61 lakh as the fourth installment.

After this, Rajasthan is at number three, where a total of 63,82,829 farmers are involved in which 60.86 lakh farmers have been given the first installment, 54.63 lakhs is the second installment, 45.73 lakhs are the third installment and 34.52 lakh farmers have been the fourth installment.

Madhya Pradesh at number four, 63,03,663 farmers have been associated with the scheme so far. Of these, the first installment has been given to about 69 lakh farmers, the second installment to 64 lakh farmers, the third installment to 52.5 lakh farmers, and the fourth installment to 37 lakh farmers.

Bihar is at number five in the top 5 where a total of 62,83,843 farmers joined it and till date, 62.81 lakh farmers have been given the first installment, 59.78 lakh farmers have been given the second installment, 46.64 lakh farmers have been given the third installment and 31.26 lakh farmers have been given the fourth installment.

Source: Financial Express
