Mandi Bhaw: What is the price of vegetables and other grains in different mandis of MP?

In Sendhwa Mandi of Badwani district under Indore division, the price of Cotton is running at Rs 5610 per quintal. Apart from this, the prices of vegetables like tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, ladyfinger, gourd, etc. in the same market are 950, 950, 1050, 1100, 1050,1050 per quintal respectively.

Apart from this, wheat in the Shujalpur Krishi Upaj mandi of Shajapur district under Ujjain division is Rs 1530 per quintal, Kanta gram Rs 4500 per quintal, Kabuli chana Rs 5000 per quintal, Mausami gram Rs 4650 per quintal, Green gram Rs 5000 per quintal and Lentil is Rs 5100 per quintal.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


2000 rupees given in bank accounts of 5 lakh farmers of Madhya Pradesh

2000 rupees given in bank accounts of 5 lakh farmers of Madhya Pradesh

On the lines of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, some state governments have also made plans to provide financial assistance to farmers. The Madhya Pradesh government has also started a similar scheme called “Chief Minister Kisan Kalyan Yojana” and under this scheme, 4000 rupees will be given in 2 installments to the beneficiary farmer families of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana.

The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan, on November 2, sent a total of Rs 100 crore to 5 lakh farmers, leaving 19 districts having by-elections in the state under this scheme. Explain that this is the first installment of 2000 rupees given to farmer families under this scheme.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Gramophone app is increasing farmers’ income by 40%

Gramophone app is increasing farmers' income by 40%

Since its inception in 2016, so far more than five lakh farmers have joined Gramophone and there have been many positive improvements in their agriculture. Under the guidance of gramophone agricultural experts, there has been a good increase in the income of thousands of farmers. The average income of many farmers is increasing by up to 40%.

Farmer Poonam Chand Sisodia of Khandwa district connected his soybean crop to the Gramophone app at the time of sowing and he got all the necessary advice over the phone. This resulted in a 60% increase in yield. Apart from this, the cost of agriculture also decreased.

Sagar Singh Solanki, also from Khandwa district, reduced his agricultural costs by 21% and increased income by 25% using the gramophone app. Their total profit increased by 37% compared to the earlier.

One such farmer is Vinod Gujjar, resident of Dewas district, for whom Gramophone’s Moong Samriddhi Kit proved like a boon. The yield of the crop sown on 5 acres increased from the earlier 25 quintals to 30 quintals using the kit. With the increase in yield, there was an increase of 38% in income and 100% in profit.

Gramophone’s Soya Samriddhi Kit provided so much good nutrition to the soybean crop of Ramnivas Parmar, another farmer from Dewas, that the profit from the crop increased by 180% in advance and the quality of the yield from the crop was so good that its value in the market Found more than other farmers’ produce.

Like these farmers, lakhs of farmers are taking advantage of Gramophone’s high services and increasing their income as well as reducing their agricultural costs. In just four years, Gramophone has started to achieve the goal set by itself. In the days to come, Gramophone has joined the farmers of the entire country and has set the goal of modern agriculture for Indian agriculture and Indian farmers.


With Gramophone, in just 1.5 years, the annual income of the farmer increased to 25 lakhs

Since the start of Gramophone in the year 2016, since then more than 5 lakh farmers have been associated with Gramophone and this association is also increasing the prosperity of the farmers. One of this prosperous farmer is Shekhar Pemaji Chaudhary, a resident of village Pipri under Bhikangaon tehsil of Khargone district.

A year and a half ago, when Team Gramophone met Shekhar Pemaji Chaudhary, he showed the green fields of his bitter gourd and told that he got his farm soil tested on the advice of Gramophone, and with this, he earned about 8 lakhs from the bitter gourd crop. Nearly one and a half years after this initial success, Shekhar has become a prosperous farmer and has proved to be a role model for other farmers around him.

Recently, when the Team Gramophone once again came to meet Shekhar, he told a very inspiring story behind his prosperity. He told how in the last year and a half, he cultivated in his six acres of fields with the help of his hard work and the advice of Gramophone and earned 25 lakhs annually. He also said that with this income, he built a house of 16 lakhs and bought a car of 8 lakhs. Explain that in the total income of Shekhar ji 25 lakh, the agricultural expenditure of about 12 lakh comes and they get 13 lakh profit every year.

This story of Shekhar ji is an inspiration for all the farmers. Other farmers can also join Gramophone like Shekhar ji. To connect with Gramophone, you can either miss call on toll-free number 18003157566 or login to the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.toll free


Why did the central government ban onion seed exports?

Why did the central government ban onion seed exports

A few weeks ago, to curb the rising prices of onions, the central government banned the export of onions. Now in this episode, the government has also banned the export of onion seeds till further orders. The government has taken this decision to maintain onion availability in the country.

Information about this decision has been given by the Foreign Trade Directorate. In a notification issued by the Directorate, it was stated that onion seed exports have been put in the banned category, earlier it was in the restricted category. This means that onion seed exports are now completely banned.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Good news: Soon vegetables will also be purchased on support price

Soon vegetables will also be purchased on support price

A minimum support price has been fixed by the Kerala government for a total of 21 food and beverage items and 16 types of vegetables have also been included. The Kerala government is going to start this system from November 1. Like Kerala, the Madhya Pradesh government is also thinking of taking some similar steps.

The Shivraj government of Madhya Pradesh is also preparing to buy vegetables at MSP. Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel said these things. He said that “After the support price of food grains, now the state government is planning to fix the minimum support price of vegetables so that it comes under the category of the agricultural industry. After purchasing wheat, gram, moong, maize at the support price, now vegetables Will also be purchased at a support price. ”

Source: Jagran


Cotton procurement Continued at MSP, have you sold your produce?

Cotton procurement Continued at MSP

The procurement of Kharif crops on support price is being done by the Food Corporation of India and State procurement agencies. In Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan, cotton procurement campaigns are going on under the support price. According to the news, till October 27, a total of 4,42,266 cotton bales worth about Rs 1300 crore have been purchased and 84138 farmers have benefited from this.

Talk about paddy, so far more than 26 percent of paddy has been purchased. So far, 170.53 lakh tonnes of paddy worth Rs 32196 crore have been purchased at the support price. Paddy procurement continues rapidly in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, Chandigarh, Jammu Kashmir, Kerala, and Gujarat where 170.53 lakh tonnes of paddy has been purchased so far.

Source: Navbharat Times


After the government’s storage limit, how much onion can be stored?

After the government's storage limit, how much onion can be stored?

Every year, onion prices start touching the sky at this time. In view of this, the government is taking several steps. In this list, the government on Friday made some changes in the rules related to onion storage. Now a limit has been imposed on onion storage.

Currently, onion prices have gone up in many states. On Friday, the government fixed 25 metric tonnes of onion storage for wholesalers and 2 metric tonnes for retail traders. However, this limit will not apply to imported onions. The government believes that this step will help in reducing onion prices.

Source: Krishak Jagat


PM Kisan Yojana: Register by 31 October and avail benefits in November-December

If you have not yet registered under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, then this news is for you. Farmers who are not able to get the benefits of this scheme till now can register in this scheme before October 31 and get the benefit of the scheme. If their application is accepted, they will get an installment of Rs 2,000 in November as well as another installment in December.

It is worth noting that under Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana launched by the Central Government, farmers are given 6 thousand rupees in three installments every year. Explain that so far 6 installments have been sent to the farmers’ account from this scheme.

Source: Krishi Jagran


In this scheme, farmers will get 5000 rupees in addition to PM Kisan 6000

In this scheme, farmers will get 5000 rupees in addition to PM Kisan 6000

To benefit the farmers, the central government is soon going to give new good news. Now there is talk of giving 5000 rupees more to the farmers besides the 6000 rupees of the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. This means that now farmers will get an amount of Rs 11000 every year instead of Rs 6000.

Apart from the 6000 rupees of the Prime Minister Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the 5000 rupees that are being talked about will be given to the farmers for fertilizer. With this scheme, the government is thinking of sending money directly to the account of farmers instead of subsidizing big fertilizer companies.

Explain that the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices has appealed to the Central Government to give cash in the form of fertilizer subsidy of Rs 5000 per year directly to the farmers. The Commission wants this entire amount to be paid in two installments of Rs 2500 to the farmers. Of these, the first installment should be given at the beginning of the Kharif season and the second installment at the beginning of the Rabi season.

Source: Krishi Jagran
