- Hyveg Saniya: This variety of chilli is intermediate resistance for bacterial wilt & Chilli Mosaic Virus and the first harvesting is done in 50–55 days. This variety is high pungency as well as having shiny yellowish-green. Its fruits are 13–15 cm in length, 1.7 cm in thickness and weigh about 14 grams.
- Mahyco Navtej (MHCP-319): This is a powder mildew/ drought-tolerant variety. This hybrid variety is of medium to high pungency which has long storage capacity. Chilli length is 8-10 cm.
- Mahyco 456: This variety has high pungency and chili length is 8-10 cm.
- Hyveg Sonal: Chilli is 14 cm in length with a moderate pungency level, which is a good variety for drying.
- Syngenta HPH-12: It has high seed content and pungency. Its plant and branches are strong bushings.
- Nunhems US- 1003: A medium-length plant with light green fruits, whose fruits are of good quality.
- Nunhems US- 720: Dark green chili which is a moderate pungency level.
- Nunhems Indu: This variety is resistant to mosaic virus and powdery mildew disease and has good storage capacity.
- Starfield Jini: This variety is tolerant to viruses.
- VNR Charmi (G-303): This variety has characteristics like light green color, medium pungency, and 14 cm chilli length. Its first picking is done in 55-60 days.
- Starfield Rome- 21: Tolerant of viruses and gives more productions. It is the best variety for red chili.
Know the benefits of soil treatment in chilli nursery
- Many major insect pests and soil-borne diseases are found in the soil, which damages the crops in various ways. Mainly termites, white grub, cutworm, nematodes, etc. can be destroyed by soil treatment.
- Soil-borne spores of fungus/ bacterial diseases are also found in the soil, which infects various stages of the plant under favorable conditions and causes loss in crop production.
- Soil treatment leads to the complete development of chilli plants, complete nutritional growth, and rich quality production.
- Along with improving soil structure, the attack of sucking pests and diseases also reduces.
- After the attack of pests and diseases, the treatment by chemicals is used more, as a result of which the cost of production increases due to more chemical expenditure.
Get information about PM-Kisan, Jan Dhan, LPG subsidy and other schemes in lockdown
In the ongoing nationwide lockdown due to the Corona epidemic, farmers and other people who are beneficiaries of various types of government subsidy schemes are not able to get complete information related to this. In such a situation, you can easily get information related to all these online.
To know the current status of Jan Dhan Yojana, LPG Subsidy Scheme, PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, and other similar welfare schemes, you have to follow these steps on the online medium.
Step 1: Log on to the official website of the public management financial system @ pfms.nic.in/NewDefaultHome.aspx.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Know Your Payments’ menu on its home page
Step 3: Now fill the required details like your bank name, account number
Step 4: Submit Captcha Code
Step 5: Then tap on the ‘Search’ option
Step 6: After this, the full debit and credit details will appear on your computer screen.
Step 7: You will get to know the latest money transfer in your bank account.
In times of lockdown when it is dangerous to get out of the house, this online medium is becoming very helpful for everyone. With this, you can know the status of every scheme.
Source: Krishi Jagran
ShareInformation of improved BT cotton varieties
- Kaveri Jadoo: This variety is tolerant of drought and to sucking insects such as aphid, jassid, whitefly, and resistant to pink bollworm, American bollworm. The crop duration of this hybrid variety is 155-167 days, in which the bolls are medium and the plant is long, so it is also suitable for sowing in less distance.
- Rasi RCH-659: This is a good hybrid variety for 145-160 days of medium duration and high production.
In this variety, bolls are large numbers and suitable for heavy soil in irrigated areas. - Rasi Neo: It is a good variety for the moderately irrigated area and light to medium soil, as well as tolerant of sucking insects such as aphid, jassid, whitefly.
- Rasi Magna: In this variety, bolls are big size and large numbers, which is good for growing in medium to heavy soil. Sucking insects are moderately tolerant.
- Kaveri Money Maker: The harvest period is 155-167 days, in which bools are a big size which is well blooming and shiny.
- Aditya Moksha: This variety is suitable for heavy soil in irrigated and rainfed areas, having a crop duration of 150-160 days.
- Nuziveedu Bhakti: This variety is tolerant to sucking insects and tolerant to Pink bollworm, American bollworm. Its harvest period is about 140 days.
- Super Cotton (Prabhat): This variety is suitable for medium irrigated and black heavy soils. Tolerant of sucking insects.
- Nuziveedu Goldkot: The harvest period is 155-160 days, in which the bolls appear to be medium-sized.
Measures to increase growth of Moong Crop, prevent pests and diseases
- Spray Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 300 gm/ acre to prevent fungal diseases.
- Spray Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 100 gm or Acetamiprid 20% S P @ 100 gm per acre to protect against sucking pests.
- Spray 100 gm Vim-95 (Potassium Humate 90%+ Fluvic Acid 10 %) or 400 ml Dhanzyme Gold (Seaweed) or 400 ml Hoshi Ultra (Gibberellic Acid 0.001%) per acre for good growth of the crop.
- Spray the above three products (fungicides, insecticides, and growth regulator) and 1 kg NPK 19:19:19 in 200 liters of water per acre.
Kisan Credit Card will also help you in meeting domestic needs in lockdown
The farmers are facing financial problems due to the long-running nationwide lockdown caused by the Corona epidemic. During this time it has become challenging for the farmers to meet the domestic needs along with the needs of farming. However, with the help of Kisan Credit Card, you can get relief from this challenge.
Farmers can also use a part of the amount received from the farmer’s credit card to meet their domestic needs. The Reserve Bank of India has put information in this regard on its website. According to its information, “Farmers across the country can use their Kisan Credit Cards to meet the needs of the household.”
Explain that generally the amount received from the Kisan Credit Card Scheme is used to meet the expenses incurred in the preparation of a crop. But the farmer can also contribute 10% of the total amount received from this scheme towards his household expenses.
Source: Krishi Jagran
ShareHow to protect the cotton crop from the white grub
- White grub is a white-colored insect which is damaged in cotton crop.
- the system from inside the ground due to which the plant turns yellow and becomes dry.
- In summer, the insect can be destroyed by deep plowing and cleaning the fields.
- Through bio-control, mix 2-4 kg of Metarhizium anisopliae (Kalachakra) in 50 kg FYM or compost manure before sowing or before the first rain in the field. or
- Fenpropathrin 10% EC @ 500 ml or clothianidin 50% WDG @ 100 gm mixed in 200 liters of water and drenching per acre.
Supreme Court decides in favor of sugarcane farmers, millions of farmers will benefit
Amidst the worldwide tragedy of the Corona epidemic, the Supreme Court has brought good news to millions of sugarcane farmers of the country. With the decision of the Supreme Court, the old problem of sugarcane farmers seems to be ending. There is often a dispute between the Center and the states about the pricing of sugarcane, which farmers had to suffer. Now a decision to the Supreme Court on this subject can put an end to these controversies.
The decision is given by the Supreme Court, which we are talking about, has been given by a five-judge bench of the court. A five-judge bench upheld a 2004 verdict on sugarcane pricing, saying that “the minimum support price for sugarcane can be fixed by the state governments”. It is worth noting that this decision of the court will benefit about 35 million farmers and their families who depend on sugarcane cultivation for their livelihood.
Source: Krishi Jagran
ShareSunflower has these benefits
- About 64% of Linoleic acid is found in sunflower oil, which helps in reducing harmful cholesterol in the heart.
- About 40 to 44% of protein is found in sunflower cake, which is used as food for poultry and animals.
- It is a good source of Vitamin A, D, and E. Baby food is also prepared by Sunflower.
- Sunflower seeds contain iron, zinc, calcium, which can help keep bones healthy.
- Its oil provides relief in Arthritis.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties that protect the body from Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, diseases related to bones, and skin.
Lemon grass is beneficial for health
- Lemongrass has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.
- Lemongrass tea is very beneficial in headache and it is also credited with increasing resistance.
- It is effective in digestive problems such as stomach pain, stomach cramps, stomach flatulence, gas, indigestion, nausea, or vomiting.
- Regular consumption of lemongrass removes iron deficiency in the body, which is beneficial for anemia patients.
- It is effective in preventing cancer cells in the initial stage.
- It stops the heart-related diseases by speeding up the blood flow in the arteries.
- Lemongrass is used in insomnia (sleeplessness), asthma, knee pain, depression.