Indian Meteorological Department alert: hail may fall in these states with heavy rains

Indian Meteorological Department alert hail may fall in these states with heavy rains

Recently, farmers suffered due to rain and hail in many states of the country. Now the Indian Meteorological Department has predicted heavy to very heavy rain for the coming days.

It is worth noting that in the last few days, many areas have been cloudy and there has been raining, due to which the temperature has also seen a drop. Now the Indian Meteorological Department has issued an alert in this episode, warning that the weather may remain bad in the next few days.

The meteorological department has issued a five-day weather-related bulletin in this regard and stated that the area around the Ganges River in West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram-Tripura, Assam-Meghalaya, Kerala-Mahe and in different areas of Karnataka There may be heavy rainfall.

Along with this, the Meteorological Department has predicted winds at a speed of 40-50 km per hour, lightning and hailstorm in Bihar, Assam, Meghalaya, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada. Apart from this, the Meteorological Department has issued an alert for bad weather in Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan, Muzaffarabad, Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha, Konkan, and Goa.

Source: Jagran


Wheat procurement continues in MP, Wheat worth Rs 400 crore has been purchased so far

Taking all necessary precautions given the Corona crisis, wheat procurement was started on the support price in all the districts of Madhya Pradesh except Indore, Ujjain, and Bhopal from last 15 April. Today, a week has passed since this procurement work started.

In this entire week, wheat worth Rs 400 crore has been purchased from about 1.25 lakh farmers in the last week through about four thousand cooperative societies of the state. The procurement process is being extended further from Tuesday. In this, messages will be sent to about 25 thousand farmers. Society will call 25 farmers, with 20 small and five big farmers.

Source: Nai Dunia


How to storage onion and garlic

How to storage onion and garlic
  • Removing the tuber completely without ripening leaves space inside the tuber, which subsequently causes rot under the influence of heat and moisture.
  • To avoid this condition, remove the upper part of the tuber only after drying it up to 80%. Therefore the stem of the plants turns to the ground and then removes it.
  • If you have enough space and you want to keep the garlic safe for a long time, do not cut the stem from the bulb when you need it. Tie them in a bunch and keep them spread.
  • If you need to cut, first of all, dry it in bright sunlight for 8-10 days. Allow the root of the garlic tuber to dry until the roots are shattered. Then cut it with a distance of 2 inches between bulb & stem so that their layers are removed, the buds do not get scattered and the tubers are safe for a long time.
  • Many times a tuber gets hurt by a spade or shovel. While shorting the onion and garlic tuber, remove the damaged tuber because spread rotting in other tubers.
  • During the monsoon humidity increases and spoils, the tuber so stored onion and garlic should be kept watch from time to time. If there is rottenness or smell from bulbs, then separate the rotten bulb from that place, otherwise it also spoils the other produce.
  • For good storage, the temperature of the storage warehouses is 25-30 degrees Celsius and the humidity should be between 65-70 %.

Method of Making Jeevamrut

Method of Making Jeevamrut
  • First, put the plastic drum in the shade, 10 kg cow dung, 10-liter old cow urine, 1 kg any pulses flour, take 1 kg soil under banyan or pipal tree, 1 kg jaggery (bacteria present in the prepared solution become more active), Mix well with the help of wood stick in 200 liters of water.
  • Now cover this plastic drum with a cloth. This solution should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • The next day, mix the solution again with the help of stick 2-3 times a day.
  • Keep doing this work daily for 5-6 days.
  • This 200 liters Jeevamrut solution is sufficient for one acre of land.

Madhya Pradesh: 15 lakh farmers will get big relief, 2990 crores to be received under crop insurance

Relief for farmers, Govt. extended the duration of short-term crop loan

There is very good news from the government for farmers in Madhya Pradesh. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said that a total of 2990 crores of insurance amount will be given to 15 lakh farmers of the state under crop insurance.

This large amount will be given to the farmers of the state till next week. Under crop insurance, this amount will be directly delivered to the farmers’ accounts. This decision was taken during the meeting of the Department of Agriculture in the Ministry where Chief Secretary Iqbal Singh Bains, Principal Secretary Agriculture Ajit Kesari, and other officials were also present.

During the Kharif season of 2018, about 35 lakh farmers of the state had insured their crops. Now 8.40 lakh of these farmers have to get the insurance amount of 1930 crores. Apart from this, in the Rabi season of 2018-19, 25 lakh farmers of the state had insurance for Rabi crops, out of which 6.60 lakh farmers have to get an insurance amount of 1060 crore.

Source: NDTV


Increase the number of flowers by protecting the crop of moong and urad from white fly

Increase the number of flowers by protecting the crop of moong and urad from white fly
  • The whitefly is found sucking on the lower leaves surface.
  • Both nymph and adult sucking juices from plants and stops the growth of the plant, due to which the leaf falls yellow and hence the yield decreases.
  • Whitefly is generally responsible for spreading viral mosaic disease.
  • To control this, spray diafenthiuron 50% WP 200 gm or pyriproxyfen 10% + bifenthrin 10% EC 200 ml or acetamiprid 20% SP 100 gm in 200 liter of water per acre.
  • To increase the number of flowers in green gram and black gram, spray homobrassinolide 0.04% @ 100 ml per acre mixed with 200 liters of water.

What is Jeevamrut, its benefits and method of use

What is Jeevamrut, its benefits and method of use
  • Jeevamrut is a highly effective organic fertilizer, Which is prepared by mixing several other ingredients in cow dung along with water like cow urine, banyan or peepal tree soil, jaggery, and pulses.
  • Jeevamrut help in plant growth and development. It protects plants from various microbes and also enhances the immunity of plants. Due to which the plants remain healthy and the crop gives a very good yield.
  • The use of 200 liters of Jeevamrut with every irrigation should be used in one acre.
  • By filtering well, dripping or sprinkling can also be used through irrigation, which is sufficient for an area of 1 hectare.

How to save Guava tree from wilt disease

How to save Guava tree from wilt disease
  • The first external symptom of the disease is the appearance of yellow coloration with slight curling of the leaves of the terminal branches.
  • In the later stage, the leaves turn yellow to discoloration of leaves and fall prematurely.
  • Some of the twigs become bare and fail to bring forth new leaves or flowers and eventually dry up.
  • The disease can be kept under check by proper sanitation in the orchard. Wilted trees should be uprooted, burnt and trench should be dug around the tree trunk.
  • Proper sanitation in the garden can keep the disease under scrutiny. The infected trees should be uprooted, burnt, and dug between the trunk of the tree.
  • While planting 5 kg per pit manure which is treated with Aspergillus niger NA-7 or Trichoderma viridi, and 10 kg per pit in old plants.
  • Make bassin around the guava plant and drenching with 2-gram Carbondazim in one liter of water.

Know the importance of color of cow

Know the importance of color of cow
  • White colored cow’s milk is digestive, which makes the body strong.
  • Brindled cow’s milk increases bile, which makes the body fickle.
  • Black cow’s milk is sweet, which cures gas diseases.
  • Red colored cow’s milk increases blood, which makes the body energized.
  • The yellow cow’s milk balances the bile, which makes the body vigorous.

Kisan Rath App launched, will be helpful in better transportation of agricultural produce

Kisan Rath App launched, will be helpful in better transportation of agricultural produce

Keeping in mind the ongoing lock-down in the country amid the growing infection of the coronavirus, the government is working to provide all possible help and relief to the people especially related to agriculture. Now in this series, Union Agriculture Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar has launched the Kisan Rath Mobile App on Friday, which will facilitate the transport of agricultural products.

Along with Mr. Tomar, Union Minister of State for Agriculture Shri Parshottam Rupala and Mr. Kailash Chaudhary and Secretary of the Ministry Mr. Sajay Aggarwal and other concerned senior officials were also present. On this occasion, Mr. Tomar said that “In the current crisis, the work of agriculture also needs to be done very fast.”

He said that “There were some problems in transportation of agricultural products, and to overcome this, Kisan Rath Mobile App has been launched. This mobile app has proved a milestone in the smooth transport of agricultural products across the country.”

You can download this app from the play store and then register yourself on it. In this app, all three farmers, traders and service providers can register themselves.
