Management of Aphid and Ear Head Bug in Maize

Use of zinc in maize crop
  • Ear head Bug: Ear head bug nymphs and adults suck the sap present inside the grain causing the grains to shrink and turn black in color.
  • Aphid: A small insect which causes damage to the plant by sucking it from the lower surface of the leaf they can cause a lot of damage.  
  • Following products can be used to control it:
  • PROFENOFOS 50 % EC @ 500 ml / acre or ACETAMIPRID 20 % SP @ 100 gram / acre or ACEPHATE 50 %+ IMIDACLOPRID 1.8 %SP @ 400 gram / acre.

Management of Fall Armyworm in Maize

Management of Fall Armyworm in Maize
  • This insect hides in piles of soil, straw, weeds during the day, and eats crops overnight. Huge numbers of these insects can be seen in infested farms/crops. This pest tends to damage the entire crop by feeding in a very short time. Hence management/control of this pest is very necessary. 
  • In areas where the infestation of fall armyworm pests is high, spraying any of the following insecticides should be done immediately.
  • Spray: – LAMBDA CYHALOTHRIN 4.6% + CHLORANTRANILIPROLE 9.3% ZC 100 ml / acre, or CHLORANTRANILIPROLE18.5% SC @ 60 ml / acre, or EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 5% SG @ 100 gram / acre 
  • Biological treatment BEAUVERIA BASSIANA @ 250 gram/acre
  • In areas where its attack is less, Farmers should place small piles of straw on the border of their farmland or in the middle of the field if possible. During the day the armyworm hides in these straw piles in search of shade. In the evening this straw should be collected and burnt.

What is the price of wheat, soybean, gram etc. in the mandis of Madhya Pradesh?

Private mandis will now open in Madhya Pradesh, farmers will benefit from this

Wheat price is Rs 1800 per quintal at Gautampura Mandi in Indore. At the same time talk about Khacharoud Mandi situated in Ujjain, then the price of wheat here is Rs 1729 per quintal. Soyabean price in Khacharoud Market is currently Rs 3520 per quintal.

Talking about Ujjain’s Badnagar mandi, here the price of wheat is Rs 1900 per quintal, dollar gram price Rs 3910 per quintal, general gram price Rs 4180 per quintal and soybean price is Rs 3598 per quintal.

In Ratlam’s Taal Mandi, the price of wheat is Rs. 3550 per quintal and that of soyabean is Rs. 1700 per quintal. Apart from this, wheat is being sold at Ratlam Mandi in Ratlam at Rs. 1810 per quintal, Potato Rs. 2020 per quintal, Gram Vishal at Rs. 3790 per quintal, Tomato Rs. 1620 per quintal, Dollar gram at Rs. 5390 per quintal and Soybean at Rs 3571

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Anthracnose / Pod Blight in Soybean

Anthracnose / Pod Blight in Soybean
  • In this disease mainly the stem of the plant is infected.
  • This infection is visible on the stem during the maturity of soybean crop.
  • In this disease, irregular shaped spots appear on the leaves.
  • Management: – Spray TEBUCONAZOLE 10% + SULPHUR(S) 65% WG @ 500 gram / acre and CARBENDAZIM 1 2% + MANCOZEB 63% @ 300 gram / acre and THIOPHANATE METHYL 70% W/W @ 300 gram / acre
  • As a biological treatment TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram / acre or PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram / acre

Late Blight in Tomato Crop

Late Blight in Tomato Crop
  • In tomatoes, late blight is a significant disease.
  • It is a fungal disease, symptoms of this disease first appear on tomato leaves.
  • Violet brown spots are formed on the upper surface of the leaves and brownish white spots appear on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • Due to its infection the leaf becomes dry and gradually this fungus spreads on the whole plant.
  • Following products can be used for its management
  • AZOXYSTROBIN 11% + TEBUCNAZOLE 18.3% SC @ 300gram / acre or MANCOZEB 8%+ METALAXYL 64% WP @ 600gram / acre or TEBUCNAZOLE 50%+ TRIFLOXYSTROBIN 25% WG @ 150gram / acre
  • As a biological treatment PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram / acre 

89910 crore has been deposited in the account of more than one crore farmers

Kisan Credit Card will also help you in meeting domestic needs in lockdown

Union Minister of State for Agriculture Kailash Chaudhary has told that till now more than 1 crore farmers of the country have been issued KCC i.e. Kisan Credit Cards and under this Rs 89,810 crore have also been sent to farmers’ accounts.

Significantly, under KCC, taking a loan of up to three lakh rupees only attracts 7 percent interest. If the farmer returns this loan on time, then the farmer gets a further rebate of 3%. In such a situation, its rate for farmers is just 4 percent. A loan of up to 2 lakh rupees can be availed on 1 hectare land under KCC. However, the limit of this loan varies from bank to bank.

Source: News 18


Crop Management in Soybean in the flowering stage

Crop Management in Soybean in the flowering stage
  • Crop management is very crucial in the flowering stage of soybean crop.
  • There is always a chance of an attack of insect-borne and fungal-borne diseases in the soybean crop regardless of the rainfall being heavy or low.
  • Excessive rain can cause flowers to fall while in less rain the plant can get under stress in both the situations hinder the production of flowers.
  • For disease management SprayTEBUCONAZOLE 10% + SULPHUR(S) 65% WG @ 500gram / acre or KASUGAMYCIN 5% + COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 45% WP @ 300gram / acre or THIOPHANATE METHYL 70% W/W @ 300gram / acre or CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63%WP @ 300 gram / acre  
  • For pest management, spray use ACETAMIPRID 20 % SP @ 100 gram / acre with CHLORANTRANILIPROLE 18.5 % SC @ 60 ml / acre or LAMBDA CYHALOTHRIN 4.6% + CHOLRANTRANILIPROL 9.3%ZC @ 80 ml / acre.
  • Growth and development:  Nutrients should be provided to the plant in proper quantity and at the right time to facilitate the growth of good flowers which would increase the possibility of the growth of good fruits, hence in the stage of flowering, spray 00:00:50 @ 1 kg/acre.

Weather forecast: Heavy rain may occur in these 5 states including Madhya Pradesh

Possibility of heavy rains in many states, Orange alert issued

Two months have passed since the monsoon and half the rainy season has also passed. In many states of the country, where flood situations have been created, good rain has not been seen in many areas yet due to which there is an Situation of uncertainty among the farmers. States like Bihar and Assam have been flooded due to heavy rains, while states like Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan are still waiting for torrential rains.

Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department has predicted heavy rains in some states in the coming two days. These states include Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnatak.
Apart from this, heavy rains are likely to occur over coastal Karnataka and southern Konkan-Goa region in some places with good monsoon rains during the next 24 hours.

Source: Krishi Jagran


How to take care of soybean crops in low rainfall?

soybean crops in low rainfall
  • We all are aware how the climate is changing these days.
  • This shifting pattern of weather makes heavy rainfall in some areas and low rainfall in others, it is in these areas of low rainfall that soybean crop is being affected drastically.
  • Soybean crops suffer a lot due to drought and high temperatures.
  • The symptoms of water scarcity are seen on the soybean crop in the form of dullness and the plant wilting causing the plant to come under stress which makes the growth of the soybean plant reduced or stunted.
  • For its management, spray GIBBERELLIC ACID @ 0.001% @ 300 ml / acre or TRIACONTANOL 0.1% @ 300 ml / acre or HUMIC ACID @ 100 gram / acre or SEAWEED @ 400 ml / acre.
  • If soybean crop is in the fruit or flowering stage and the plant gets under stress due to lack of water and high temperature, spray HOMOBRASSINOLIDE @ 100 ml/acre.

The use of the Gramophone app helped the farmer of Dewas get more profit than the moong crop

Kishan Rathor

Any farmer does farming so that he gets good profits from it and the two important things to keep in mind to get profit from farming are the first to ‘reduce the cost of farming’ and the second is to ‘increase production’ it happens. Gramophone works on these two points, which the farmers take advantage of. Farmer Mr. Kishan Rathore of Nemawar village under Khategaon tehsil of Dewas district also enjoyed some such benefits.

Young farmer Kishan Chandra Ji of Dewas district was associated with the Gramophone App two years ago. Initially he took some advice from Gramophone app, but this year he fully accepted Gramophone’s suggestions in the five acres of moong cultivation, which showed an increase in production.

Whereas Kishanji used to produce 20 quintals of moong on a five-acre field, now the production has increased to 25 quintals. Earnings increased from Rs. 110000 to Rs. 142500 and the cost of agriculture has also come down considerably.
