Heavy rain likely in these areas of Madhya Pradesh, know weather forecast


Monsoon remains very active over Central India, due to which Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh have received good rainfall and the rains are likely to continue over these areas. Heavy rain is also expected in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand. There is also a possibility of heavy rain in Konkan, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala. Rain may intensify in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh including Delhi Punjab Haryana North Rajasthan.

Video Source: Skymet Weather

Be sure to visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. Share this article with your friends by clicking the share button below.


What are the prices of crops in different markets in Madhya Pradesh on 14th June?

Madhya pradesh Mandi bhaw
































Wheat Sharbati





Wheat Lockwan










Vishal Channa





Italian Channa





Dollar Channa





Yellow Soyabean









Now sell your crops like garlic, onion and others at the right rate sitting at home with Gramophone’s Gram Vyapar, Connect with trusted buyers yourself and add your farmer friends as well.


How to control foliar caterpillar in cotton crop

How to control foliar caterpillar in cotton crop
  • The infestation of this pest in cotton crops usually occurs in the early stage of germination. The female moth lays about 2000 eggs in clusters on either side of the leaves. These caterpillars feed on the green matter of cotton leaves and turn brown or dark brown or black in colour.

  • To control infestation, spray Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm/acre  of Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin Benzoate 0.9% SC @ 600 ml/acre or Profenophos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre.

  • Spray Beauveria Bassiana @ 500gram/acre as a biological treatment

  • Remove the affected plants from the field and after spraying insecticide spray Vigormax gel @ 400 gm/acre for good growth of the crop.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.


Chilli Samridhi Drip Kit worked well, farmer got tremendous early crop growth

Chilli Samridhi Drip Kit

Indian farmers work hard in the fields, but most of the farmers are not able to get good results of their hard work because they insist on traditional agriculture according to their knowledge. Whereas in today’s era, many major research has been done in the field of agriculture, as a result, with the help of many new agricultural products, agriculture has become modern as well as beneficial. Farmer Kailash Mukati JI, the resident of Hathola village of Barwani district of Madhya Pradesh, modernized his traditional agriculture with the help of Gramophone, now he is getting the benefit of it.

Recently, Gramophone’s agricultural experts had visited Kailash ji’s chili field, which he has cultivated completely on the advice of Gramophone. During this time Kailash ji told that he is completely satisfied after seeing the growth of the crop. He used a Gramophone Chilli Drip Kit in his crop which resulted in better growth of his plants than plants of other nearby farmers.

The farmer compared the plant developed using the drip kit and the plant developed without the use of drip kit. The root, stem, leaves, everything is getting better growth due to the drip kit and fruits are also coming up.

It is worth noting that Gramophone has made Samriddhi kit and drip kit not only for chilli but also for other crops like maize, cotton, soybean, moong, etc which has seen very good results. Many other farmers along with Kailash Mukati have achieved better results with its use. If you also want to use any of these kits Please Visit Gramophone’s Market Section.


Preparations to be done in soybean crop before sowing

Preparations to be done in soybean crop before sowing
  • Before sowing soybean, select the field, as well as ensure that there is adequate drainage system from that field in case of excessive rainfall.

  • Soybean can be sown everywhere except rocky land. Sowing by leveling the field will improve the drainage of water and yield is also good. Medium loam soil is suitable for sowing soybean.

  • Deep plowing of vacant land should be done 10 to 12 inches deep with soil turning plow. Prepare the field well by ploughing once.

  • After this, to control soil insects present in the soil, do soil treatment with Metarhizium culture. By this treatment, pests like white grubs can be controlled very well, along with decomposing culture to decomposed old crops residues. Because of this, the residues of the old crop are very easily converted into useful manure, its benefit is also available in keeping the crop disease free.

  • Select such a variety for sowing which is disease and pest resistant. After selecting the seeds, do a germination test of the seeds before sowing, so that whether the soybean seed is healthy or not, it is also known. Also it helps in calculating the quantity of seed for sowing.

  • Soil treatment and seed treatment must be done before sowing. By doing this, soil and seed borne diseases can be controlled.

Also Read: Buy in Soybean Seed Treatment’s Special Offer And Win Free Gifts

Also read: Choose Improved Seed Varieties Of Soybean And Earn Huge Profits From Bumper Yield


Rain will continue in these districts of Madhya Pradesh, know the weather forecast


Rain is likely to continue over many areas of Central India. Especially in the southern and eastern districts of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, there may be heavy rains. The chances of heavy rain in Mumbai have reduced now. Rain activities will increase in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh Monsoon can knock in West Uttar Pradesh soon.

Video Source: Skymet Weather

Be sure to visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. Share this article with your friends by clicking the share button below.


How To Control Fall ArmyWorm In Maize By Seed Treatment

How To Control Fall ArmyWorm In Maize By Seed Treatment
  • Maize is the main crop of the Kharif season and, during the Kharif season, there is a lot of moisture in the soil, due to which the attack of fall armyworm  is very high in Maize.

  • For the control of fall armyworm, it is very important to take measures at the time of sowing of maize so that there is no damage to the maize crop.

  • By plowing the field before sowing maize, the pupae of insects are eaten by birds. To prevent fall armyworm, sow the seeds only after treating them with insecticide.

  • Fall armyworm destroys the maize crop by eating its roots and leaves, due to which the maize crop is completely destroyed.

  • For its control, do seed treatment of maize or use treated seeds only. For this use recommended insecticides like Imidacloprid 48% FS @ 5 ml/kg seed or treat with Chlorantraniliprole 19.8 + Thiamethoxam 19.8 FS @ 6 ml/kg seed.

  • Treat with Beauveria bassiana @ 5 gram/kg seed as an biological seed treatment

  •  Along with this, some more precautions must be taken like sowing maize in the whole field together, don’t do it separately.

  • To reduce the incidence of fall army worm, sow varieties like hybrid maize as its seed coat is hard. Intercrops can also be sown with maize.

For such important information related to agriculture and agricultural products, keep reading Gramophone’s articles daily. Be sure to visit the market section of gramophone to purchase advanced agricultural products.


Precautions to be followed during seed treatment in Kharif crops

Precautions to be followed during seed treatment in Kharif crops
  • In Kharif, mainly cotton, chilli, soybean, tomato, etc. crops are sown.

  • For good production in these crops, it is very beneficial to do seed treatment before sowing, but it is very important to be careful while doing seed treatment.

  • Seed treatment should be done in the order of FIR, i.e. first using fungicide followed by insecticide and lastly any organic product (PSB/Rhizobium).

  • Spread the seeds on an earthen pot or polythene sheet and mix the dry or liquid form of fungicide and insecticide by spreading it well on the seeds. One thing should be kept in mind in this type of treatment that the chemical should stick well on the seeds.

  • The second method of seed treatment involves treating the seeds by mixing chemicals with seed sticking agents.

  • Use as much water as needed to coat the seed or chemical

  • Use only recommended doses of fungicide and insecticide

  • Seeds can be treated before sowing time.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.
