How to control the attack of thrips in chilli crop

How to control the attack of thrips in chilli crop

  • It is a small and soft-bodied light yellow insect, both the baby insect and adult insect damage the chilli crop. It is found in greater quantity on the upper surface of the leaves and also on the lower surface of the leaves. They suck the sap of leaves and flowers of chilli crop with their sharp mouthparts. Thrips infestation causes leaves to turn brown at the edges, and the leaves of the affected plant appear dry and discoloured, the leaves are deformed and curled upwards.

  • Chemical Management:- Spray Fipronil 5% SC @ 400 ml/acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS @ 250 ml/acre or Spinosad 45% SC @ 75 ml/acre to control thrips attack .

  • Biological Management: – To control this pest, spray Beauveria Bassiana @ 500 gm/acre.

  • Spraying of Seaweed extract + Amino acid + Fulvic acid (Vigarmax Gel) @ 400 gm/acre must be done for better growth of chilli crop and improvement in damage caused by thrips.

For such important information related to agriculture and agricultural products, keep reading Gramophone’s articles daily. Be sure to visit the market section of gramophone to purchase advanced agricultural products.


Grow vegetables on the roof of the house, the government will give a subsidy of 25 thousand

Grow vegetables on the roof of the house, the government will give a subsidy of 25 thousand

You can earn good money by using the roof of the house. Many people do gardening on the roof of the house and grow many types of crops. With this, not only will you get fresh vegetables at your home but you will also be able to earn extra.

The Bihar government also provides subsidies for planting horticulture crops on its roof. Actually, the Bihar government is running a rooftop gardening scheme. This scheme is being run for the last 2 years. For this year also, the government has sought applications from interested persons.

To get benefits under this scheme, the online application can be made on the Rooftop Gardening link made on the dashboard of of Directorate of Finance.

Source: Kisan Samadhan

For information related to beneficial government schemes related to agriculture and farmers, read the articles of Gramophone daily. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends using the share button below.


If the crop is damaged due to rain, then get compensation like this, give information here

If the crop is damaged due to rain, then get compensation like this, give information here

This year, due to monsoon rains in many parts of the country, the Kharif crops have suffered a lot. Crops were completely destroyed in many areas. However, “Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana” is being run to compensate for crop loss. The benefit of this scheme can be taken by those farmers who have got their crops insured.

Insured farmers will have to report their crop damage and get their fields surveyed. By doing this the damage done to your crop will be assessed and you will be provided with the compensation amount. You can give information about crop damage through the web portal of the National Crop Scheme NCIP and Fasla Bima App.

Source: Kisan Samadhan

Keep reading daily for more important information related to your needs like Gramophone articles and post photos of your farming problems in the community section and get advice from agriculture experts.


Monsoon will be active again in Madhya Pradesh, know where it will rain?

weather update

Monsoon may once again become active in many areas of Madhya Pradesh for the next 2-3 days and rains may increase. From August 19, rain may start in Punjab, Haryana and Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. From Orissa to Gujarat and Rajasthan, the rains will increase during the next 1 week. There is also a possibility of good rain in Telangana, Tatiya Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Source: Skymet Weather

Be sure to visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. Share this article with your friends by clicking the share button below.


Rain will increase again in Madhya Pradesh from this day, know weather forecast

weather update

Under the influence of low pressure, rain is becoming possible over Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, East Gujarat and South Rajasthan. This time the break monsoon is of 10 days. August to 18th August. Its activities will start in North India including Delhi from August 19. There is a possibility of good rains in the Terai districts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

Source: Skymet Weather

Be sure to visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. Share this article with your friends by clicking the share button below.


How to manage Rust disease in soybean crop

How to manage Rust disease in soybean crop
  • In the soybean crop, rust disease is known as gerua disease. The probability of an outbreak of this disease increases with frequent rainfall and low temperature (22 to 27 °C) and high humidity (relative humidity 80-90%). The intensity of the disease increases when there is fog during the night or early morning. As the temperature drops, so does the outbreak of this disease.

  • Due to the accumulation of yellow powder on the leaves, the process of making food of the leaves is greatly affected, due to which later the leaves start drying and the production is greatly affected.

  • To control this disease, spray Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 400 ml/acre or Propiconazole 25% EC @ 200 ml/acre or Tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 200 ml/acre.

  • As a biological treatment, spray Trichoderma viride @ 500 g/acre or Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 g/acre.

  • Disease resistant varieties Indira Soya-9, DSB 23-2 DSB Sow 21 and Phule Kalyani etc. Uproot the diseased plant and keep it in polythene, bury it in a pit outside the field or destroy it.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of the Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.
