Control of White fly in Soybean

Control of White fly in Soybean :-

  • Nymph and adults suck the cell sap from the leaves. The affected leaves curl and dry.
  • The affected plants show stunted growth. White flies are also responsible for transmitting yellow vein mosaic virus or leaf curl disease.
  • 3-4 foliar spray of Profenofos @ 50 ml/pump or Thaimathoxam  @ 5 gm/pump or Acetamiprid 20% SP @15 gm/pump at 10 days interval.

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Management of Tobacco caterpillar in Soybean


Symptoms of damage: – Larvae feed on the chlorophyll of the leaves. The eaten leaves give the appearance of whitish yellow web.


  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Avoid pre-monsoon sowing.
  • Optimum seed rate (70-100 kg/ha) should be used.
  • Collect and destroy infested plant parts, egg masses and larva.
  • Install sex pheromone trap @10 traps/ha for early deduction of the pest.
  • Erection of bird perches @10-12/ha.
  • Field Sanitation;Remove the infested plant parts at least once in 10 days and bury them in compost pit to monitor and reduce the populations of tobacco caterpillar. Traps are used for monitoring the pest situation.
  • Install five sex pheromone traps per hectare (change septa after 3 weeks), specific for male adults of tobacco caterpillar (separate pheromone for each).
  • Apply Profenophos 50 % EC@ 400 ml/acre or quinalphos 25% EC @ 400 ml/acre
  • In case of severe infestation apply Emamectin Benzoate @ 80 Gm/acre

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Phosphorus Deficiency in Cotton

Phosphorus Deficiency in Cotton:-

Leaves of Phosphorus deficient plants remain dark green in colour with reduced leaf size. The deficiency symptom is first reflected in the lower or older leaves of cotton plant. The deepening of the green colour of the leaves progresses upward towards to the growing point to the extent phosphorus is deficient, suggesting that the nutrient moves to younger tissues as the supply diminishes. An extreme deficiency of phosphorus not only reduces the plant size, but also suffers from lack of secondary branches and reduction in boll number. It also leads to delay in blooming, fruiting and maturity of the bolls.

Younger Leaves show more dark green appearance. Older leaves become small in size and developed purple and red pigmentation.

Control:- Spray 12:61:00 or 00:52:34 @ 100 gm per pump.

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Seed rate and sowing time for Onion

Proper seed rate and sowing time are two things which are very important for sowing, growth, and cultivation of onion. If not done so, there can be a lot of impact on the production.

Sowing time:-

  • To cultivate onion, the onion nursery has to be prepared first, the onion nursery is prepared for Rabi season in December and transplanting are done in the month of January.
  • In Kharif, nursery is prepared from 15 June to 15 July, and transplant is done in the last week of August.

Seed rate:-

  • 8-10 kg seed is sufficient for raising seedlings for one hectare, accommodating 100-110 beds of 3m X 0.6m size each.
  • For broadcasting directly in the field or sowing in the rows, 15-20 kg seeds are enough for a hectare.
  • For multiplier onions 10-12 quintal bulblets are required for planting one hectare.

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Nitrogen deficiency in Cotton

Nitrogen deficiency in Cotton:-  

A pale yellowish green colour, coupled with reduction in leaf size is the most striking symptom of nitrogen deficiency in cotton. Eventually, the cells become disorganised accompanied by development of red pigments called anthocyanins. Nitrogen deficient plant is also characterized with little vegetative growth, lack of vigour coupled with stunted growth.

Control:- Spray 19:19:19 @ 100 gm per pump.

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Integrated Management of Pink Bollworm in Cotton

Integrated Management of Pink Bollworm in Cotton:-

  • Terminate cotton crop by December – mid January.
  • Do not store infected or stained cotton in house / godowns.
  • Crop rotation should be followed to break the life cycle of pink bollworm.
  • Install pheromone traps @5/ha, after 45 days of sowing for monitoring month activity of pink bollworm larvae within flower.
  • At boll formation stage, farmers are advised to inspect presence and damage of pink bollworm by plucking 20 green bolls from different plants randomly.
  • picking of clean and infected cotton may be carried out separately clean cotton may be stored or marketed. Infected cotton should be destroyed.
  • One spray of neem seed kernek extract 5%+neem oil 5 ml/lit. may be taken up at 60 days after sowing.  


Table:- Insecticide suggested for Pink Bollworm Management

Month Insecticide Dose per 10 Litre of Water*
September Quinalphos 25 EC

Thiodicarb 75 WP

20 ml

20 gm

October Chlorpyriphos 20 EC

Thiodicarb 75 WP

25 ml

20 gm

November Fenvalerate 20 EC

Cypermethrin 25 EC

10 ml

10 ml

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Bacterial Blight of Cotton

Bacterial blight of cotton-

Symptoms –The symptoms of this disease appear on top of the leaves, stems and cotton bolls, in which all the aerial parts of the plant have black and light brown spots. As the disease progresses, small spots are found in large wounds, the bacteria enter the leaf nerves. Chlorophyll is eliminated due to the spots of the leaves, which the plant is unable to make food.

Control –Spray twice Streptomycin+ tetracycline @ 2 gm/pump or kasugamycin 30 Ml./pump at 7-10 days intervals.

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Damping off disease in Onion

Damping off disease in Onion:- In the kharif season, especially in high moisture in soil and moderate temperature is the main factor in the development of this disease. In this disease onion plants dies in early stage.

Control:- Spray of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% or Thiaphanate methyl 70% WP @ 50 gm/Pump


Girdle beetle in Soybean

Girdle beetle in Soybean:-

Symptoms of damage:-

  • Girdling of stems and petioles.
  • The inside of the stem is eaten by the larvae and a tunnel is formed inside the stem.
  • The leaves of plant of infected portion are unable to get the nutrient and are dried up.
  • In later stages the plant is cut at about 15 to 25 cm above the ground.


  • Deep summer plough.
  • Intercropping with maize or sorghum should be avoided.
  • Crop rotation should be followed.
  • Avoid excess nitrogenous fertilizers.
  • Collect and destroy infested plant parts and egg masses.
  • Remove the infested plant parts at least once in 10 days and bury them in compost pit to monitor and reduce the populations of girdle beetle.


  • Apply phorate 10 G @ 10 kg/ha or carbofuran 3 G @ 30 kg/ha at the time of sowing.
  • Spray Quinalphos 25 EC or Triazophos 40 EC @ 3 ml/lit. at the crop age of 30-35 days and repeal after 15-20 days.

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Doses of Fertilizer and Manure in Onion Crop

  • Onion needs a heavy dose of fertilizers for a good yield.
  • Farmyard manure @ 8-10 tonnes/Acre may be incorporated into the soil one month before transplanting.
  • Nitrogen 50 kg/Acre, Phosphorus 25 kg/Acre and Potash 30 kg/Acre.
  • Full amount of P, K and half of N are to be added just before transplanting.
  • Rest of the N is to be given as a second dose at 20-25 days after transplanting, and third dose is given at 45-60 days after transplanting.
  • Zinc sulphate application (Znso4@10 kg/Acre) and Boron 4 Kg/Acre increases yield as well as improves the quality of bulb.

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