Soil preparation for snake gourd farming

  • The soil or main field should be prepared thoroughly by 3-4 ploughings.
  • Snake gourd crop requires good soil drainage.
  • Better yield and quality depends on the organic matter of farm yield manure (FYM) application while preparing soil and land.

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Management of Yellow Rust disease in Wheat

  • Stripe rust is caused by the fungus.
  • It is easily distinguished from other wheat rusts by the orange-yellow spores.
  • Which produce small, closely packed pustules developing into stripes along the length of the leaf veins.
  • The spores occur on the upper surface of the leaves, the leaf sheaths, awns and inside of the glumes.
  • Pustules erupt within 10-14 days after infection.
  • Free moisture on the leaves and an optimal temperature (10-15°C) are required for infection.
  • The disease can cause up to 25% yield loss.



  • Destroy volunteer wheat plants.
  • Crop rotation is very important in the case of yellow spot.
  • Growing resistant varieties is an economical and environmentally friendly way of disease reduction.
  • During the growing season active crop monitoring is very important for an early detection of diseases.
  • Avoid repeated use of fungicides with the same active ingredient.
  • Spray Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP 320 gm/acre or Propiconazole 25% EC 240 ml/Acre

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Sowing time suitable for snake gourd

  • January – February is the best sowing time of snake gourd.
  • Snake gourd grows very well in hot and humid climate.
  • The ideal temperature should be 25-38°C.

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Control of fall armyworm in Maize


  • Fall armyworm generally feeds on foliage, but during heavy infestations, larvae will also feed on corn ears. 
  • Foliar damage to corn is usually characterized by ragged feeding and moist sawdust-like frass near the whorl and upper leaves of the plant.
  • They will frequently be near the tip but may feed down the ear creating a track of damaged kernels.


  • Set up of light traps.
  • Set up sex pheromone traps at 5 /Acre.
  • Apply any one of the following on presence of pest.
  • Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 100 Gm per acre.
  • Fipronil 5% SC @ 400 ml per acre.
  • Cloropyriphas 50% EC @ 400 ml per acre.

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Sowing time Suitable of Tomato Cultivation-

  • Tomato is a day-neutral plant so wildly it found grown in any season.
  • Tomato can grow all, rabi, zaid.
  • But due to frost tomato cannot be grown in the rabi season.
  • The Kharif crop is transplanted in July, rabi crop in October – November and Zaid crop in February months.

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Irrigation management in watermelon

  • Watermelon responds very much to irrigation but it can not withstand waterlogged condition.
  • It is generally cultivated as a spring-summer crop in which frequency of irrigation is very important.
  • The crop should be irrigated at 3-5 days intervals.
  • Soil moisture stress during pre-flowering, flowering, and fruit development stage drastically reduce yield.
  • Irrigation should be stopped during ripening as it adversely affects fruit quality and promotes fruit cracking.
  • Frequently irrigation promotes diseases on the plants for the controlling diseases control measure may be applied.

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How to flower promotion in chickpea

  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 gm/acre.
  • Use micro-nutrients 200 gm/acre specially boron.
  • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Seed rate of watermelon

Seed rate of water melon vary on spacing and varieties.

  • Improved and research varieties:- 1.5 to 2 Kg/Acre.
  • Hybrid and private sector varieties:- 300-500 Gm/Acre.

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Seed treatment of Muskmelon

  • The muskmelon is sensitive against frost and some diseases eg.powdery mildew, downy mildew, root rot, and yellow mosaic etc.
  • For the management of these diseases, before sowing seed treatment should be applied.
  • Treat seed with carbendazim 50% WP fungicide @ 2g/kg of seed.
  • Or apply Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% fungicide 2g/kg of seed.
  • For the controlling of yellow mosaic virus, seed should be treated with imidacloprid 600 FS.  (48%) 1ml/kg seeds.
  • Then seed may treat with Trichoderma viride @ 4 gm per kg of seeds.
  • 20-30 min.time interval keeps for using next chemicals.
  • After treatment, dry seeds in shade and then do sowing immediately.

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Sowing Time suitable for Watermelon

  • The time of sowing watermelon is from November to March.
  • After the November to December sowing time, the plant should be protected from frosting. This is the reason most sowing is done from January to March.
  • In the hilly areas watermelons are sown from March to April.

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