Flower promotion nutrients in watermelon

  • The flowering stage is most important in watermelon.
  • The flowering is played a vital role in the production of watermelon.
  • A flowering stage comes 40-45 days after seed sowing.
  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml./acre.
  • Use multi-Micro nutrients 300 Gm/acre.
  • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Irrigation management in snake gourd

  • First irrigation before dibbling the snake gourd seeds.
  • and afterward, once a week is recommended.
  • Drip irrigation is most beneficial in the snake gourd farming.
  • The summer plantation requires frequent irrigation at an interval of 4 to 5 days.
  • During pollination and fruit enlargement is the most critical stage of irrigation in snake gourd.

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Sowing method and seed rate of Bitter gourd

  • Bitter gourd seeds have a hard seed coat; soak 2-3-month-old seeds overnight in cold water.
  • Seeds are then kept in moist cloth and kept for one or two days for germination.
  • Seeds are immediately sown in pits after germination.
  • 4-5 seeds are directly sown in each pit.
  • About 1.5- 2 kg local seed is enough for a acre.
  • 400-600 gm/acre seed for hybrid and private sector varieties. seed rate vary on variety to variety and sowing spacing.
  • Direct seed sowing is the most common method of planting.
  • On raised furrow beds, 4-5 seeds are sown per hole at a depth of 2 cm.

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Control of Aphid in Mustard

  • Plants are infested at all the stages.
  • Both nymph and adults suck the sap from leaves, inflorescence or the developing pods.
  • Curling may occur for infested leaves and at advanced stage plants may wither and die.

Control Measures

  • Use crop rotation.
  • Apply a recommended dose of fertilizers.
  • Destroy the affected parts along with the aphid population in the initial stage.
  • Spray the crop with one of the following insecticides in the aphid appearance.
  • Imidacloprid 17.8% @ 100 ml/acre or Thiamethoxam 25 WG @ 75 gm/acre or Dimethoate 30 EC @ 325 ml/acre.
  • Spraying should be done in the evening time.

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Sowing method and seed rate of Bottle gourd

  • Soak seeds in water for 24-48 hrs to facilitate germination.
  • About 1 to1.5 kg seed is enough for an acre.
  • Four to five seeds are sown per pit.
  • Remove unhealthy plants after two weeks and retain three plants per lit.
  • 300-500 gm/acre seed for hybrid and private sector varieties. seed rate varies on variety to variety and sowing spacing.

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Irrigation in Tomato

  • The crop should be irrigated at 8-12 days interval.
  • In summer, more frequent irrigation at 5-6 days interval is required.
  • Generally, open furrow method of irrigation is followed.
  • Water stress at flowering stage will adversely affect fruiting and productivity.

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Nutrient Management in Snake Gourd

  • Apply well decomposed organic Farm Yard Manure( FYM) should be applied at the time of land preparation.
  • 50 grams of NPK 12:32:16 mixture as basal dose/pit.
  • Use 100 gram/pit 19:19:19 or 0:52:34 at the time of fruit elongation.
  • Apply Urea @ 25 grams/pit 30 days after sowing the seed.
  • Apply phosphorus solubilizing bacteria and azospirillum @ 500 ml /acre.
  • And Pseudomonas 1 kg/acre along with FYM 20 kg and Neem cake at 40 kg before last ploughing in the main field.

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Control of Blight in Maize

Corn leaf blight is a fungal disease of maize caused by the plant pathogen Bipolaris maydis. Initially small, water-soaked spots appear on leaves, then elliptical brown areas develop until nearly as wide as the leaf. In the final stages, lesions are straw-coloured to grey, coalescing and killing large parts of the leaves.


  • Crop rotation to reduce previous corn residues and disease inoculum.
  • Tillage to help break down crop debris and reduce inoculum load.
  • Avoid repeated use of fungicides with the same active ingredient.
  • Spray Mancozeb 75% WP 400 gm/acre or Metalaxyl 35% WS 150 gm/acre.

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Sowing method of Snake gourd

  • In central India, furrow, bed and pit (deep, shallow and mounds) sowing methods are followed.
  • Usually, sowing is done on the top of the sides of furrows and vines are allowed to trail on the ground especially in summer season.
  • About 5-6 seeds are sown in a pit and finally, two vines are retained.
  • It is advisable to soak seeds for 12 hours to facilitate germination.
  • For transplanting method, seeds are sown in polythene bags (10 x 15 cm size) filled with potting mixture.
  • The seedling should be transplanted at two-leaf stage or after three weeks.

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Seed rate of Muskmelon

Seed rate of muskmelon vary on spacing and varieties.

  • Improved and research varieties:- 1.5 to 2 Kg/Acre.
  • Hybrid and private sector varieties:- 200-400 Gm/Acre.

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