How to improve production by improving soil health

To increase the production by  50%, we should take three important measures in the soil

  • Increasing the amount of nutrients in the soil.
  • Improve the physical condition of the soil.
  • Maintaining the balance of pH in the soil.
  1. To increase the amount of nutrients in the soil
  • After harvesting the previous crop, the crop residues should not be destroyed by fire.
  • After harvesting, cultivate the farm twice, so that the crop residues dissolve and provide nutrients to the plants.
  • Apply FYM @ 10 t/acre OR Vermicompost 2.5 t /acre + SSP @100 kg apply at the time of ploughing in the field.
  • Apply (1 kg of micronutrients + PSB 2 kg + KMB 2 kg + NFB 2 kg + ZnSB 4 kg + Trichoderma 2 kg) per acre on sowing time.

2. To improve the physical condition of the soil –

  • If the farmer having an adequate amount of water plough the field after harvesting and mix speedkampost @ 4kg/acre, after mixing provide one irrigation.
  • In 15-20 days, crop residues with the help of Speed ​kampost disintegrate well and improve soil structure.
  • 3For the pH balance of soil –
  • To control the soil pH, slow-release nutrients should be used.
  • Fertilizers should be used in a balanced amount of more Acid and Base content.
  • The soil pH rage maintains between 6.0 to 7.0 for good production of crops.
  • For the improvement of acidic soil, the amount of calcium carbonate should be applied according to the soil test report.
  • For the improvement of alkaline soil, gypsum should be applied according to the soil test report.

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Yellowing leaves may cause more damage in Brinjal

    • Brinjal is one of the most widely grown vegetables in the world including India.
    • Yellowing on the leaves of brinjal may indicate a more serious problem.
    • Yellowing in the leaves can be due to various reasons such as insect (spider, bug, and juice insect), diseases (wilt and viral-borne disease) and deficiency of nitrogen, etc. Due to yellowing in plants, the yield is less and consequently, there is an economic loss.
    • To increase the availability of nitrogen, mix nitrogen fixation and phosphorus-soluble bacteria with nitrogen fertilizers in the field @ 2 kg/acre.
    • To protect the brinjal crop from insect problem, can spray propergite 50% EC @ 400 ml (for spider) and Dichlorvos 76% EC @ 300 ml (for lace bug) per acre.
    • To prevent yellowing from diseases, spray carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 200 gram and streptocycline at 20 gram/acre, and control the disease spreading insects.

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Signs of Boron deficiency in the crop and ways to prevent it

  • Symptoms are variable, depending on the crop and the growing conditions, but generally, they are visible first on new leaves.
  • The first sign is usually the discoloration and thickening of young leaves.
  • At greater severity, the deficiency causes necrosis of the growing points.
  • Boron deficiency is usually observed in soils with a high pH because in these conditions this element is in a chemical form that is not available for the plant.
  • Soils with low organic matter content (<1.5%) or sandy soils (prone to nutrient leaching) are also susceptible to boron deficiency.
  • Preventive Measures for boron deficiency.
  • Avoid soils with high pH.
  • Avoid high air humidity and low soil moisture. Do not over-fertilize or lime the soils.
  • Avoid over-watering of the crops.
  • Regular testing of soil and keep the full details of the level of nutrients in your area.

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Management of stem fly in the mungbean

  • Damage in yield by the stem fly in the mungbean crop has been reported to be  24-37%.
  • In India Stem fly infestation during the germination stage is predominant affecting crop produce posing a serious concern.
  • As this pest attacks during the initial stage of germination which is generally 4 weeks after sowing, this infestation results in wilting of leaves leading to crop loss.
  • Foliar spray of imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml/acre OR Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 300 ml per acre may be sprayed to control stem fly.

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How much harmful stem borer in sweet corn and how to control ?

  • In India, about 13.2% of economic yield losses have been reported due to insect-pests attack and disease incidence.
  • In different agro-climatic zones of our country, this insect has been reported as the cause of loss of 26.7 to 80.4% of the total yield of maize.
  • Young larvae inter the midrib of the stem and feed the internal tissue and make a shot hole on the stem of the plant. (Causing a condition referred to as “dead heart”).
  • It damaged the crop from 10-12 DAS to till harvesting.
  • Soil application of carbofuran 3% G@ 5-7 kg per acre.
  • The spray of Dimethoate 30% EC@180-240 ml per acre.

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Importance of Zinc

  • India’s agricultural land has a deficit of zinc is 50%, which will be up to 63% by 2025.
  • Studies have shown that due to zinc deficiency in the soil, there is a lack of zinc in the crops produced in that soil, (according to IZAI) 25% of India’s population is lacking in zinc.
  • Zinc needed strongly for the development of the plant . it is one of the eight essential micronutrients.
  • In India, zinc (Zn) is now considered as the fourth most important yield-limiting nutrient in agricultural crops
  • In plants, zinc is a key constituent of many enzymes and proteins. It plays an important role in a wide range of processes, such as growth hormone production and internode elongation.
  • Deficiency in zinc might result in a significant reduction in crop yields and quality. In fact, yield can be reduced by over 20% before any visual symptoms of the deficiency occur.
  • Young leaves of zinc-deficient plants are small with yellow interveinal mottling.
  • Necrotic interveinal areas occur in expanded and older leaves.
  • oil application of zinc sulfate @ 20 kg/acre is recommended.

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How to Save 20-25% of Nitrogen Fertilizer

Azotobacter free-living nitrogen fixation aerobic bacteria.

  • It stabilizes atmospheric nitrogen into soil.
  • Using of this bacteria, the requirement of Nitrogen Fertilizer (Urea) decreases up to 20-25 %.
  • It secretes various types of vitamins and gibberellins in the roots of plants, which increases the accumulation of seeds (germination) and good growth of roots and the capacity of absorbing micro-nutrients and water in plants.
  • Seed Treatment :- Azotobacter (CFU 1 X108 ):- 4-5 ml/kg seed.
  • Soil Application:- one liter of Azotobacter (CFU 1 X108 ) mixed with 40-50 kg well-decomposed FYM/Vermicompost and broadcast in soil or can broadcast 45 DAS in soil.
  • Drip Irrigation:- one liter of Azotobacter (CFU 1 X108 ) mixed with 100 ltr water and apply within drip.

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How to increase flowering in Bottle gourd?

  • In the Bottle gourd plant, the female flower produces more fruits, which produces good production.
  • When 6-8 leaves on the plant, after making the batter in the ethylene or gibberellic acid 0.25-1ml per 10 liters of water, sprinkle on the vines and flowers on the Bottle gourd, which increases the number of female flowers and fruits and also it can be doubled.
  • The effect of this spraying remains on the plant for 80 days.

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Suggestions for control of yellowing of Coriander Leaves

  • Coriander is an important crop of spices, all parts of which use stems, leaves, and seeds.
  • If its management is not correct, then it becomes yellow, which reduces production.
  • For its management, Apply Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria with Basal Dosage mixed up well in the field at the rate of 2 kg per acre.
  • Due to the lack of nitrogen in the soil and the problem of disease and insects, coriander leaves turn yellowish.
  • Apply Thiophanate methyl 70% wp @ 250-300 g and chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml per acre with irrigation.
  • After this drenching, apply 19:19:19 @ 500 gm per acre.

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How to protect our crops from White Grubs

White Grub management is a challenge for farmers, a severe attack has the potential of damaging 80 to 100% of the crop. A minuscule count of 2 to 14 grubs is enough to damage 64.7% of the crop.

Life cycle:-

1. After the lash of first rains, adult white grub comes out of the pupa stage and for the next month, it starts laying eggs 8 inches below soil level.

2. Next 3-4 weeks the gestation period sets in and the eggs grow to form larvae.

3. This larvae stage is most damaging for the crop as the larvae feed on the nutrients available in soil and crop for the next 4 to 5 months and just before the onset of incremental temperatures they once again attain the pupa stage.

White grubs management:-How to control

Chemical control:- Soil application of fenpropathrin 10% EC 10% EC @ 500ml per acre, fipronil 40 + imidacloprid 40% WG   @100 Gm/acre OR chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml/acre.

Biological control:-  Apply Matarizum spp. @ 1kg/acre and Beauveria+Matarizum spp. @ 2kg/acre. Fungal formulation along with  first dose of fertilizers.

Mechanical control:- Use a light trap.

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