How to Control Stem Borer in Sweet Corn

  • This is the major and more harmful insect of Sweet corn
  • Central shoot withers and leading to “dead heart”.
  • Larvae mines the midrib enter the stem and feeds on the internal tissues.
  • Boreholes are visible on the stem near the nodes.
  • Young larva crawls and feeds on tender folded leaves causing typical “shot hole” symptom.
  • Affected parts of the stem may show internally tunneling caterpillars. In the later stage, the plant becomes die.


  • Mix any one of the following granular insecticides with sand to make up a total quantity of 50 kg and apply in the leaf whorls on the 20th day after sowing.
    Phorate 10% G 4 kg/acre or Fipronil 0.3% G 5 kg/acre on 15-20 day after sowing.
  • If granular insecticides are not used, spray any one of the following:
    • Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 200 ml /acre on the 20th day of sowing.
    • Fipronil 5% SC @ 500 ml/ acre on the 20 day after sowing.
    • Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP @ 400 gm/acre.

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Basis for selection of Cotton vareity

On the Basis of Soil Type:-

Light to Medium Soil :-   Neo (Rasi).

Heavy Soil:- Rch 659 BG II, Magna (Rasi), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Super Cot Bt-II    


On the basis of Irrigation source:-

Rainfed:- Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya).

Semi-irrigated:-  Neo, Magna (Rasi), Moneymaker (Kaveri), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

Irrigated:-  Rch 659 BG II (Rasi), Jadoo (Kaveri).

On the Basis of Plant habit:-

  Erect:-  Jadoo (Kaveri),  Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

    Bushy varieties:- Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the Basis of Crop duration :-

   Early variety (140-150 days)

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi).
  • Bhakti (Nuziveedu).
  • Super Cot Bt- II (Prabhat).

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Importance of Microbes in Soil (ZnSB )

  1. India’s agricultural land has a deficit of zinc is 50%, which will be up to 63% by 2025.
  2. Zinc is an essential micronutrient for plant growth. But it remains unavailable in the soil which plants cannot use easily.
  3. This bacterium provides an available form of zinc and as well as control of ‘Khera disease’ in paddy, increased crop yield and quality of yield, improve soil health and increases the activity of hormones and also increases the activity of photosynthesis.
  4. Zinc-soluble bacteria produce organic acids in the soil and convert insoluble zinc (zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, and zinc carbonate) into Zn+  (Available form of Zinc) form and maintain soil pH.
  5. zinc soluble bacteria @ 2 kg/acre mix with 50 kg of well-decomposed FYM and broadcast in the field.

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An Improved Variety of Soybean:- JS 20-29

  • JS 20-29 is a new high yielding variety approx 10-12q/acre. which has been developed by Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya.
  • High germinability, multiple diseases resistant.  
  • The leaf is pointed, oval and dark green. The branches three to four, medium to tall approx 100 cm.
  • Flower color is white.
  • It is an early maturing variety, duration 90-95 days, having bold seeds (Seed weight- 13 gram per 100 seeds ).

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Save cauliflower to diseases – May cause serious damage

  • Due to the fungal diseases about 4 – 25% crop loss has been reported in production.
  • Cauliflower is one of the important vegetable crops in India.
  • Black rot, Soft rot, Alternaria leaf spot, Downy mildew, and wilt, etc. disease causes serious damage and reduces the quality of cauliflower crop.
  • Management practices is more important to control of disease:-
  • For Black rot & Soft rot :- Spray of Streptocycline @ 20 gm/acre and Copper Oxychloride 50% @ 300 gm/acre.
  • For fungal disease :- Spray of Mancozeb 75% WP @ 400 gm/acre OR Carbendazim 50% @ 300gm/acre OR Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25% WP @ 120 gm/acre can be used.

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How to Take care of insect pests & diseases at bud initiation stage of mungbean

    • Pest and disease control is also important if one wants to achieve high production.
    • The loss in the production caused by pest and diseases may reach up to 70% depending upon the severity of the attack.
    • In the summer season, During bud initiation, mungbean may be infested by pod borer, tobacco caterpillar, etc.
    • Mung bean, just like any other legume crop, it is highly susceptible to diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. On different growing stages of leaves, stems and roots symptoms can be seen like yellowing, blight and root rot.
    • For Pest control Monocrotophos 36% SL @ 300 ml/acre, Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm/acre (for Gram pod borer) and Flubendiamide 20% WG @ 100gm/acre OR  Indoxacarb 14.5% SC @ 160-200ml/acre (for tobacco caterpillar).
    • For Disease control, use carbendazim 50% WP @ 300 gram/acre (for blight) and Thiophenate Methyle 70% WP @ 250-300 gram/acre.

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Importance of Iron in Crop Production

  • Iron (Fe) is essential for crop growth and production. Iron is a component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer, nitrogen reduction, and fixation.
  • In high pH, soil iron turns into unavailable form.
  • Young leaves are chlorotic in iron-deficient plants.
  • Pale yellow mottling starts at the base of the leaves and spreads upward along the midrib and outward along the veins.
  • Its deficiency can be corrected by spray @150-200g/acre ferrous sulfate till the chlorotic symptoms do not appear on young leaves.

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Kasie bachaein baigan ko fruit borer se

  • The damage to the fruits starts soon after transplanting and continues till harvesting of the fruits.
  • It can reduce yield by as much as 70%.
  • Multiple overlapping generations occur in warm climates.
  • The short pinkish larva of the pest initially bore into the terminal shoots resulting in withering and drying of the shoot.
  • In the later stage, it bores into the young fruits by making holes and feeds inside and lose their market value fruits plugged with excreta.


  • Install pheromone trap @ 5 /acre .
  • Continuous cropping of brinjal on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Fruits showing boring should be picked and destroyed.
  • Spray the crop with Cypermethrin 10% EC @ 300ml/acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 200-250 ml/acre at fortnight intervals starting from 35 days after transplanting to control the pest.
  • Best results are obtained when all the affected fruits are removed before spraying.

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How to maintain healthy chilli nursery

A major Problem:- Damping off

  1. In the nursery the disease may appear in patches, Seedlings die due to this disease before or after emergence.
  2. If we carefully dig down into the soil, you will find seeds that have become soft and mushy which will start to disintegrate.
  3. The stem of young seedlings showing water soaking lesions, brownish color and shriveling of the stem which fall over and die.
  4. Optimal conditions for the development of the disease are:- Poor drainage, High relative humidity (90-100%) and higher soil temperature (20-28 °C)  


  • Provide light, but frequent irrigation with better drainage.
  • Thiophanate methyl applies on soil 0.5 gm/square meter at the time of nursery bed preparation.
  • Second Spray at 20 DAS:- Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 500 gm/acre.

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Virus problem and solution in mungbean

  • During the stages of this crop, the symptoms of yellow mosaic, leaf curl, and crinkle disease can be seen by the virus.
  • The grain yield losses range from 2-95% in mungbean depending on plant age and symptoms onset.
  • control of these diseases foliar spray of thiamethoxam 25% WG 60-100 gram per acre. OR imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml per acre at 15 DAS.

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