Nutrient management in maize

  • To take more yield of maize, the balanced fertilizers should be applied.
  • Apply well rotten FYM @ 8-10 tonnes/acre in the field before 12-15 Days before Sowing.
  • At the time of sowing, Apply (urea @ 65 kg/acre + DAP @ 35 kg/acre + MOP @ 35 kg/acre + carbofuran @ 5 kg/acre from the basal dose.
  • After 15-20 DAS, Apply MgSO4 @ 10 kg/acre + ZnSO4 @ 07 – 10 + Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre.
  • If the bed system of sowing is followed, apply the micronutrient mixture over the furrows.

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Soybean Field preparation

  • For Better Seed Germination, Soil should be well Pulverized and ploughed.
  • Deep summer ploughing once in 2-3 years or one normal summer ploughing followed by 2-3 cross harrowing are suitable for the soybean crop.
  • If the moisture content is less in the soil, with pre-sowing irrigation add 4 kg of speed compost per acre to the field and prepare it for sowing, in the last, Level the farm through leveler.

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Chilli Nutrient Management

  • Generally, the farmers transplant chilli from 15th June to 15th July.
  • At the time of Field preparation, we should apply FYM @ 10 tonnes/acre.
  • At the time of Transplanting, Apply DAP 50 kg/acre + MOP 50 kg/acre + Micronutrient 1kg/acre + Sulfur 90% 6 kg/acre as basal dosage.

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Nursery Preparation Method for CauliFlower

  • The seeds are sown in the nursery bed. Raised beds of size 3*6 m. and 10-15 cm. in height are prepared.
  • About 70 cm. distance is kept between two beds to carry out intercultural operations.
  • The surface of nursery beds should be smooth and well leveled.
  • Well decomposed FYM @ 8-10 kg/square meter should be added at the time of bed preparation.
  • Raised beds avoid the problem of water logging in heavy soils.
  • To avoid mortality of seedlings due to damping off, drench the beds three weeks before sowing with carbendazim 50% WP @ 15-20 gm/ 10 liter of water. OR Apply Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP @ 0.5 gram/meter2
  • To avoid mortality of seedlings due to insect attack, Apply Thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 0.3 gram/meter2

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Suitable varieties of Cauliflower

Good quality selection of seeds of cauliflower not only ensures good yield but also reduces a lot of other infestation problems, if a suitable variety of seed offers tolerance to a particular disease then it significantly reduces the cost of input in terms of pesticide and labor. while selecting the type of seed for cauliflower, care should be taken the weather conditions and sowing time. Ideally, the types that should be selected for the upcoming sowing season are improved Karina and super crop.

Improved Karina ( Rajkumar Seeds )

an early variety suitable for fresh market and sowing from early May to end of August. the maturity period after transplantation is around 55-60 days with high-temperature sustainability in humid conditions. Leaf characteristics curve in nature and curd weight up to 1.2 kg and curd color are white in nature. Curds shape is dome type and very compact in nature. This gives good protection to curd against the sun.

Super First crop

A midsegment variety for moderate temperature and climate. Sowing time is from Feb to August. thus winter hardy and produces good curd even at moderate temperature. Curds compact, pure white, weight 800 – 1000 gm. the crop matures after 60 days of transplanting. curds are compact and stone hard which makes it suitable for long-distance transportation. this variety has high tolerance to black rot disease.


How to protect Brinjal from Fruit Borer

  • The damage to the fruits starts soon after transplanting and continues till harvesting of the fruits.
  • It can reduce yield by as much as 70%.
  • Multiple overlapping generations occur in warm climates.
  • The short pinkish larva of the pest initially bore into the terminal shoots resulting in withering and drying of the shoot.
  • In the later stage, it bores into the young fruits by making holes and feeds inside and lose their market value fruits plugged with excreta.


  • Install pheromone trap @ 5 /acre .
  • Continuous cropping of brinjal on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Fruits showing boring should be picked and destroyed.
  • Spray the crop with Cypermethrin 10% EC @ 300ml/acre or Lambda Cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 200-250 ml/acre at fortnight intervals starting from 35 days after transplanting to control the pest.
  • Best results are obtained when all the affected fruits are removed before spraying.

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Practice at time of transplanting for chilli crop

  • Under rainfed conditions, 15 X 56 cm within plants and between rows (2 seedlings/hill).
  • Under irrigated conditions, for light soil, 45 X 75 cm within plants and between rows (2 seedlings/hill).
  • Under irrigated conditions, for heavy soil, 60 X 60 cm within plants and between rows (2 seedlings/hill).

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How to Control Stem Borer in Sweet Corn

  • This is the major and more harmful insect of Sweet corn
  • Central shoot withers and leading to “dead heart”.
  • Larvae mines the midrib enter the stem and feeds on the internal tissues.
  • Boreholes are visible on the stem near the nodes.
  • Young larva crawls and feeds on tender folded leaves causing typical “shot hole” symptom.
  • Affected parts of the stem may show internally tunneling caterpillars. In the later stage, the plant becomes die.


  • Mix any one of the following granular insecticides with sand to make up a total quantity of 50 kg and apply in the leaf whorls on the 20th day after sowing.
    Phorate 10% G 4 kg/acre or Fipronil 0.3% G 5 kg/acre on 15-20 day after sowing.
  • If granular insecticides are not used, spray any one of the following:
    • Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 200 ml /acre on the 20th day of sowing.
    • Fipronil 5% SC @ 500 ml/ acre on the 20 day after sowing.
    • Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP @ 400 gm/acre.

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Basis for selection of Cotton variety:-

On the Basis of Soil Type:-

Light to Medium Soil:-  Neo (Rasi).

Heavy Soil:- Rch 659 BG II, Magna (Rasi), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the basis of Irrigation source:-

Rainfed:- Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya).

Semi-irrigated:-  Neo, Magna (Rasi), Moneymaker (Kaveri), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

Irrigated:-  Rch 659 BG II (Rasi), Jadoo (Kaveri).

On the Basis of Plant habit:-

  Erect:-  Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

    Bushy varieties:- Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the Basis of Crop duration:-

   Early variety (140-150 days)

Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi).

Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

Super Cot Bt- II (Prabhat).

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How to get more profit from cotton crop

The cotton system is ideally suitable for intercropping because of the relatively long duration and its slow growth in the initial stages. The objective of intercropping is to obtain a maximum yield of cotton crop along with additional returns from intercrops. The common practice of cotton cultivation is inter or mixed cropping with pulses.

Under irrigated conditions following intercropping systems are recommended:

  • Cotton + chilli (1: 1)
  • Cotton + onion (1: 5)
  • Cotton + soybean (1: 2)
  • Cotton + Sunhemp (As green manure) (1: 2)

Under rainfed conditions adopt the following intercropping systems:

  • Cotton + onion (1: 5)
  • Cotton + chilli (1: 1)
  • Cotton + groundnut (1: 3)
  • Cotton + green gram (1: 3)
  • Cotton + soybean (1: 3)
  • Cotton + peas (1: 2)

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