Brown plant hopper in Paddy crop

  • crescent-shaped white eggs inserted into the midrib of the leaf sheath
  • white to brown nymphs
  • brown or white adults feeding near the base of tillers
  • The feeding damage caused by planthoppers results in the yellowing of the plants. 
  • At high population density, hopper burn or complete drying of the plants is observed. At this level, crop loss maybe 100%.

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How to Control Root-Knot Nematode in Tomato

  • Use resistant varieties.
  • Do use deep summer plowing to control root-knot nematode.
  • Neem cake at the rate of 80 Kg/Acre should be applied for effective control.
  • Carbofuran 3G at the rate of 8 kg/acre should be applied as a soil treatment.
  • Paecilomyces lilacinus-1% WP @ 10 g / kg seed for seed treatment, 50 gm / meter sq Nursery Treatment, 2.5 to 5 kg/ Hectare Soil application.

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Root-Knot Nematode in Tomato


  • The nematode attacks the roots and produces tiny galls.
  • The infected plants show symptoms of withering and wilting of leaves.
  • It blocks the movement of nutrients and water in the plant system and subjected to wilt and finally leads to death.
  • The growth of the plant is stunted by fruiting capacity adversely affected.
  • Yellow of the foliage and wilting of the upper leaves occurs.

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Control of Fusarium wilt in cotton crop

  • Level up after deep plowing (6-7 inches).
  • Use disease-free seed.
  • Follow 6-year crop rotations.
  • Grow resistant varieties.
  • Seed treatment with Carboxin 37.%+ Thiram 37.5% @ 2 gm /kg or Trichoderma viride @ 5 gm/kg.
  • Apply Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre at 15 days after sowing.
  • Spraying Thiaphanate methyl 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at before flowering.
  • Spraying Propiconazole 25% EC @ 125 ml/acre at pod formation stage.

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Symptoms of Fusarium wilt

  • Causal organism: Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Vasinfevtum
  • Wilt is one of major disease of cotton. 
  • Discolorations of leaves start from the margins and spread towards midribs.
  • The veins become darker, narrower and spots.
  • Browning and blackening of vascular tissues.

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Control of Mites in Chilli

Control of Mites in Chilli:-

  • The tiny spider like insects are found large in numbers and the underside of leaves are covered with fine webs.
  • Nymphs and adults suck sap from leaves.Affected leaves curl downward along the margins of the leaf and attain an inverted boat shape.
  • Leaf petioles elongated and small leaves serrated and looks like bunchy.
  • Leaves turn into dark grey in colour, reduce leaf sheath and stops flowering.
  • In severe cases, fruit wall becomes hard and white strips appears on the fruit.


  • Acaricides like Sulphur 80% WP@ 3 Gm per litre of water gives effective control of mites.
  • Twice spraying of Propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml/Acre in 7 days interval helps in controlling the pest in initial stage .
  • Collection and burning of severely infested plant parts reduces further multiplication of mites.
  • Proper irrigation and clean cultivation are essential to control the pest population.

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Aphids Attack in Chilli Crop

Aphids Attack in Chilli Crop:-

  • Nymphs and adults are both soft bodied pear shaped, blackish in colour.
  • Appear on the tender shoots, leaves and on the lower surface of the leaves.
  • Suck the sap and reduce the vigor of the plant.
  • Secrete sweet substances which attract ants and develop sooty mold.

Control:-Spray the crop with Following insecticides at 15-20 days interval till the end of aphid population checked.

  1. Profenofos 50% EC @ 50 ml/ Pump.
  2. Acetamiprid 20 SP @ 10 gm/Pump.
  3. Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 7 ml/pump.
  4. Fipronil 5% SC @ 40 ml/Pump.

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How to control Anthracnose or Pod Blight in Soybean crop

  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with Thiram+Carboxin @ 2 g/kg of seed before sowing.
  • Continuous sowing in the same plot should be avoided.
  • Spray the crop with Carbendazim 12% +Mancozeb 63% WP@ 400 Gm/Acre at 10-15 days intervals, first spray be given on the appearance of symptoms.
  • In Several Attack, spray the crop with Tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 200 ml/Acre.

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Symptoms of Anthracnose or Pod Blight in Soybean crop

  • Soybeans are susceptible to infection at all stages of development. Plants and seeds may be infected.
  • If the infected seed is planted, early disease development may result in damping-off (seed or seedling rot causing plant death). Dark brown lesions develop on cotyledons, the stem may collapse, and seedlings may die under severe infection.
  • Most commonly, however, plants become infected during bloom and pod fill (reproductive stages) due to spores spread from infected plant residue.
    • Symptoms appear on stems, pods, and leaf petioles as irregularly-shaped brown blotches.
    • Severe symptoms may include leaf rolling, premature defoliation, and stunted plants. Pods may be shriveled and contain less seed, moldy seed, or no seed
  • In some cases, pods can be diseased, and the seed may be infected but without symptoms in the seed.

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How to control “Pink boll-worm”

  • summer deep ploughing
  • Destroy previous crop or plant debris    
  • Spray Beauveria bassiana @ 1 ltr/acre during flower initiation period to spray should be done regularly  3 no moon day (Amavasya ). 
  • Quinalphos 25 % EC @ 300ml/acre during pre-flowering stage of plant.
  • Profenofos 40%EC + Cypermethrin 4 %EC @ 500 ml/acre.
  • Fenpropthrin 10% EC @ 400ml/acre

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