Green house

A greenhouse is a framed or an inflated structure covered with a transparent or translucent material in which crops could be grown under the condition of at least partially controlled environment and which is large enough to permit persons to work within it to carry out cultural operations.

Advantage of Greenhouse: 

  • Under the greenhouse one can grow crops under a controlled environment and throughout the year four to five crops can be grown due to the availability of required plant environmental conditions.
  • This helps in increased crop productivity and superior quality of products can be obtained.
  • Gadgets for efficient use of various inputs like water, fertilizer, seeds and plant protection chemicals can be well maintained in a greenhouse.
  • Pests and diseases can be effectively controlled in the growing enclosed area.
  • Pests and diseases can be effectively controlled in the growing enclosed area.
  • The percentage of germination of seeds is high in the greenhouse.
  • When the crops are not grown, drying and related operation of the harvested produce can be taken up utilizing the entrapped heat.
  • Greenhouses are suitable for automation of irrigation, application of other inputs and environmental control by using a computer and artificial intelligence techniques.


Importance of Zinc

  • India’s agricultural land has a deficit of zinc is 50%, which will be up to 63% by 2025.
  • Studies have shown that due to zinc deficiency in the soil, there is a lack of zinc in the crops produced in that soil, (according to IZAI) 25% of India’s population is lacking in zinc.
  • Zinc needed strongly for the development of the plant . it is one of the eight essential micronutrients.
  • In India, zinc (Zn) is now considered as the fourth most important yield-limiting nutrient in agricultural crops
  • In plants, zinc is a key constituent of many enzymes and proteins. It plays an important role in a wide range of processes, such as growth hormone production and internode elongation.
  • Deficiency in zinc might result in a significant reduction in crop yields and quality. In fact, yield can be reduced by over 20% before any visual symptoms of the deficiency occur.
  • Young leaves of zinc-deficient plants are small with yellow interveinal mottling. 
  • Necrotic interveinal areas occur in expanded and older leaves. 
  • oil application of zinc sulfate @ 20 kg/acre is recommended.


Importance of Iron in Crop Production

  • Iron (Fe) is essential for crop growth and production. Iron is a component of many enzymes associated with energy transfer, nitrogen reduction, and fixation.
  • In high pH, soil iron turns into an unavailable form.
  • Young leaves are chlorotic in iron-deficient plants.
  • Pale yellow mottling starts at the base of the leaves and spreads upward along the midrib and outward along the veins.
  • Its deficiency can be corrected by spray @150-200g/acre ferrous sulfate till the chlorotic symptoms do not appear on young leaves.


Flower Promotion in Cotton

The flowering stage is most important in bottle gourd.

  • The flowering plays a vital role in the production of the cotton crop.
  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml./acre.
  • Use multi-micro nutrients 300 gm/acre.
  • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Management of fruit fly in bitter gourd

  • Collect and destroy infested fruits.
  • To prevent egg-laying, fly traps(pheromone trap) can be set up in the field with 1% Methyl Eugenol or Citronella oil or Vinegar or Dextrose or Acetic acid or Lactic acid.
  • Cover developing fruits with paper or polythene cover immediately after anthesis pollination.
  • Maize plants grown in rows at a distance of 8-10 cm in the field is effective as flies rest on such tall plants.
  • Deep plowing to expose hibernating stages.
  • spray dichlorvos 76% EC 250 to 500ml/acre or
  • Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9%CS @ 200 ml/acre. or 
  • Profenofos 40%EC + Cypermethrin 4 %EC @ 400 ml/acre

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How to Control Downy Mildew in Cauliflower

  • Proper water management so that there is no excess moisture on the soil surface.
  • Saaf (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 300-400 gm/acre or
  • Ridomil gold (Metalaxyl 4%+ Mancozeb 64% WP) @ 300-400 gm/acre.
  • Amistar (Azoxystrobin 23%Sc) @ 200 ml/acre.
  • Netivo (Tebuconazole50%+Trifloxystrobin 25%WG) can be sprayed @120 gm/acre.
  • Follow the crop cycle and keep the field clean.

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Time of Sowing, Spacing and Seed rate of Carrot

Time of Sowing, Spacing and Seed rate of Carrot:-

  • Time of sowing:- August-September is best time for sowing local (desi) varieties of carrots whereas October-November month is ideal for European varieties.
  • Seed Rate:- For sowing of one acre land seed rate of 4-5 kg is sufficient.
  • Spacing:- Use row to row spacing of 45 cm and plant to plant spacing of 7.5 cm.
  • Sowing Depth:- For good growth, sown seeds at depth of 1.5 cm.

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Nutrient Management in Pea

A basal dose of 12 kg N per acre at planting is sufficient for stimulating early growth.

  • The higher dose of nitrogen has an adverse effect on nodulation fixation.
  • The crop gives a good response to phosphorus application as it favors nitrogen fixation by increasing nodule formation. It also increases the yield and quality of pea.
  • Potassic fertilizers also have an effect in increasing the yield and nitrogen fixation ability of the plant.

General Recommendations:

General recommended fertilizer doses depend upon the:

  • The fertility of soil and the amount of organic manure applied to the crop.
  • Sowing conditions:  Whether the field is irrigated or rainfed?
  • If the crop is rainfed, doses become just half.

How much to apply?

  • 06-08 t/acre of well-decomposed FYM is incorporated into the soil.
  • For the better yield in pea use 10 kg  Urea, 50 kg DAP, 15 kg MOP and 6 kg Sulphur 90% per acre during the land preparation use the half quantity of urea and the full quantity of remain fertilizer and remaining quantity of urea used in two split doses during the irrigation.

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Management of Mealy Bug in Cotton

  • Remove the alternate weeds hosts.
  • Monitor the incidence regularly and look for crawler emergence.
  • Take up the management at the initial stage to get maximum control.
  • Wherever necessary use neem based botanical insecticides such as neem oil @ 75 ml per pump or NSKE @ 75 ml per pump.
  • Use of Dimethoate @ 30 ml/pump or Profenophos @ 40 ml/pump or Buprofezin @ 50 ml/pump may be adopted as an alternative.

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Mealy Bug in Cotton

  • Heavy clustering of mealy bugs usually seen under the surface of leaves as a thick mat with a waxy secretion.
  • Excrete copious amount of honeydew on which the fungus sooty mold grows.
  • Affected plants appear sick and black, resulting in reduced fruiting capacity.

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