Fruit Rot in Brinjal


  • Phytophthora rot occurs when fruits are in contact with the soil or mycelia grows through the peduncle into the fruit.
  • infected fruit tissue is water-soaked and dark-green at first; later white mycelium and sporangia develop on the surface of the affected area and, within several days, consume the entire fruit.
  • Fruit affected by these fungi dry rapidly and shrivel but do not drop.

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Control of Eriophyid mite in Garlic and Onion

  • Both adults and immatures feed on the young leaves and between the layers in cloves of Garlic and Onion. Leaves do not open completely.
  • The whole plant shows stunting, twisting, curling, and yellow mottling. Mottling is seen mostly on the edges of the leaves.
  • Acaricides like Sulphur 80% WP@ 3 Gm per liter of water gives effective control of mites.
  • Twice spraying of Propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml/Acre in 7 days interval helps in controlling the pest in the initial stage.

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Powdery Mildew of Pea


  • Firstly on old leaves and then other parts.
  • Formation of powder on both surfaces of leaves.
  • The later formation of powdery spots on tendrils, pods, etc. White power on the plant surface. The fruits do not either set or remain very small.
  • Later stage, powdery growth also covers the pod making them not suitable for marketing.


  • Avoid late sowing.
  • Use resistant varieties like- Arka Ajit, PSM-5, Jawahar Pea- 4 JP-83, JRS-14,
  • Foliar spray of wettable sulfur 50% WP @ 3 gm/liter of water or Dinocap 48% EC 2 ml/liter of water three times at 10 days interval.

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Seed Treatment of Chickpea (Gram)

  • Gram should be treated with carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% at the rate of 2 gm per kg seed before sowing avoids fungal diseases like root rot, Collar rot and damping off.

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Suitable climate and soil for Papaya Farming

Suitable climate for Papaya Farming:-

  • The papaya being tropical crop favours high temperature and high humidity.

  • It is very susceptible to frost and hail storm.

  • The long days are favourable for good quality and flavour.

  • During flowering, high rains are injurious and cause heavy damage.

    Soil condition for Papaya:-

  • The papaya grows under wide types of soils.

  • However, very shallow and very deep black soils are not suitable.

  • Medium, fertile, well drained and lime free soils are preferred for papaya cultivation.

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Importance of Microbes in Soil (ZnSB )

  • India’s agricultural land has a deficit of zinc is 50%.
  • Zinc is an essential micronutrient for plant growth. But it remains unavailable in the soil which plants cannot use easily.
  • This bacterium provides an available form of zinc and as well as control of many diseases in crop, increased crop yield and quality of yield, improve soil health and increases the activity of hormones and also increases the activity of photosynthesis.
  • Zinc-soluble bacteria produce organic acids in the soil and convert insoluble zinc (zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, and zinc carbonate) into Zn+  (Available form of Zinc) form and maintain soil pH.
  •  zinc soluble bacteria @ 2 kg/acre mix with 50 kg of well-decomposed FYM and broadcast in the field.


Stem and bulb nematode in Onion and Garlic

Stem and bulb nematode in Onion and Garlic:- Nematode enters through stoma or plant wounds and create galls or malformations in plant growth. This allows for the entrance of secondary pathogens like fungi and bacteria.  Symptoms are stunted growth, discoloration of bulbs, and swollen stems.


  • Bulbs that show signs of disease should not be planted.
  • Proper sanitation of fields and tools is essential because this nematode can survive and reproduce in infected plants and residues.
  • Apply Carbofuron 3% Granular @ 10 kg/ acre in the soil for better control of Nematodes.
  • Apply Neem Cake @ 200 Kg/ Acre in the soil for organic control of Nematodes.

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Weed control in Garlic

Weed control in Garlic:-
  • Application of Pendimethalin 38.7% CS @ 100ml/15 litre of water or Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC @ 15ml/15 litre of water or Oxadiargyl 80% WP @ 12 gm/ 15 litre of water at 3 days after planting are recommended for effective weed control in Garlic along with one weeding by hand at 25-30 days after planting and second hand weeding 40-45 Days After Planting in crop.
  • The use of rice straw mulch or wheat straw mulch is recommended to enhance the yield also.
  • The combined application of Oxyfluorfen 23.5 % EC @ 1ml/l + quizalofop ethyl 5 % EC @ 2 ml/L at 20-25 days after planting and having at 30-35 days after planting good control of weed and higher bulb yield.

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Management of Termites in Wheat

Management of Termites in Wheat:-

  • Termites damage the crop soon after sowing and sometimes near maturity.
  • They feed on roots, stems of growing plants, even dead tissues of plant feeding on cellulose.
  • The damaged plants dry up completely and are easily pulled out.
  • The plants damaged at later stages give rise to white ears.
  • Infestation is heavy under unirrigated conditions and in the fields where un-decomposed farmyard manure is applied before sowing.

Management –

  • Apply deep ploughing before sowing.
  • Use well rotten FYM in field.
  • Fill kerosine in mound of termite.
  • The seed should be treated with Chlorpyriphos (20% EC) @ 5 ml/kg of seed before sowing.
  • Broadcast Chlorpyriphos (20% EC)@ 1 litre/Acre with any fertilizer.

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Pod Borer in Gram(Chickpea)

Pod borer is a pest that causes heavy damage to chickpea. In fact, this pest is reported to have caused yield loss of up to 21%. The pest is reported to cause about 50 to 60%  damage to the chick pods. Apart from chickpea the pest also attacks pigeon pea, sunflower, cotton, chili, sorghum, groundnut, tomato, and other agricultural and horticultural crops. It is a devastating pest that attacks pulses and oilseeds.

Infestation: The infestation starts usually a fortnight after germination and becomes serious just after the initiation of flower bud coupled with cloudy and humid weather. Females lay several small white eggs. Upon hatching in 3-4 days the caterpillars feed on the leaves for a short time and subsequently attack the pods. A full-grown caterpillar is about 34 mm long, greenish to brownish in color with scattered, short, white hair and buries itself in the soil to make an earthen cell inside which it pupates. The life cycle is completed in about 30-45 days. The pest completes eight generations in a year.
