India made bricks to build a house on Mars

India made bricks to build a house on Mars

Scientists are trying a lot to settle humans on Mars. In this episode, ISRO of India has prepared a special brick, with the help of which it will be easy to build a house on Mars. Watch full news through video.

Source: wifistudy 2.0

Keep reading articles of Gramophone daily for important information about the agriculture sector. If you like this information then please like and share


Necessary recommendations to be done in 25-30 days in late moong crop

Necessary recommendations to be done in 25-30 days in late moong crop
  • In the areas where the sowing of moong has been delayed, mainly the crop is still in the stage of 25-30 days. At this time, outbreaks of insect and fungal diseases, and problems related to growth and development are generally seen. 

  • To solve all these problems, it is very necessary to do crop management in moong crop in 25-30 days. For this, you can adopt the following recommendations –

  • Insect infestation: Spraying of Bifenthrin 10% EC [Marker] @ 300 ml/acre with Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG [Emanova] @ 100 gm/acre to control pest infestation.

  • Use Beauveria bassiana [Bave Curb] @ 250 gm/acre as a biological control.

  • Fungal diseases: To prevent fungal diseases, spray Thiophanate methyl 70%W/W  [Milduvip]  @ 300 gm/acre.

  • As a biological control, Pseudomonas fluorescens [Monas curb] @ 250 gm/acre can be used.

  • For good flower growth and development in moong crops, it is beneficial to use Homobrassinolide [Double] @ 100 ml/acre as a spray.

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to like and share.


After the dust storm and rain, now the heat is going to increase

know the weather forecast,

Several states of North India such as Rajasthan, Haryana, South Punjab, Delhi and West Uttar Pradesh witnessed thunderstorms and rain accompanied by dust storms, leading to a drop in the temperature. Now the rain activities will end in North India. The outbreak of severe heat will start increasing in Central and East India including North-West India. Rain activities will continue over North-Eastern states. Light to moderate rain may occur over Kerala, Interior Tamil Nadu and Karnataka as well.

Source: Skymet Weather

Please visit the Gramophone app daily for information on weather forecasts. If you liked today’s information, then do like and share.


Be ready for action on stubble burning, the government gave strict instructions

Be ready for action on stubble burning

The problem of air pollution arises due to the burning of crop residue in the fields. Not only this, but the burning of stubble also has a great impact on biodiversity. In view of this damage being done to the environment, the government has implemented the provision of imposing a fine on stubble burning. The government has issued a notification regarding this.

According to this, a fine of Rs 2500 will have to be paid for burning stubble in an area of ​​2500 acres. Apart from this, 5000 rupees for 5 acres and more than 15 thousand rupees can be fined if the area is more than 5 acres. According to the government, the burning of crop residue not only causes pollution but also affects the fertility of the field. Due to this, the productivity of the next crop also decreases.

To avoid these problems, the government has appealed to the farmers not to burn stubble. Instead of burning the stubble, farmers have been advised to mix the crop residue with the soil at the time of ploughing. With this, it will be converted into manure in a few days and will prove useful for the upcoming crop. Apart from this, farmers can also make straws from wheat stalks, which will be useful for their livestock. In this way, farmers can get more profit by using brother stubble.

Source: TV9

For information related to beneficial government schemes related to agriculture and farmers, read the articles of Gramophone daily. If you like the information then do like share.
