Control of Anthracnose Spot Disease in musk melon

Control of Anthracnose Spot Disease in musk melon
  • Small, irregular yellow or brown spots first appear on leaves.

  • These spots spread and deep surround the whole leaves.

  • Even on the fruit, these spots produce small dark blacks which spread slowly.

  • Pink spores are formed in the middle of these spots in wet weather.

  • To avoid this disease, treat with Carboxin 37.5 + Thiram 37.5 [Vitavax power] @ 2.5 gm/ kg seed.

  • Spray Mancozeb 75% WP [M45] 500 gm or Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP [Conika] @ 250 gm per acre in 200 liters of water at an interval of 10 days.

  • For biological treatment, spray of Trichoderma viride [Rizocare] @ 500 gm/acre or Pseudomonas fluorescens [Monas Curb] @ 250 gm/acre can be done.

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Control of leaf miner in moong crop

Control of leaf miner in moong crop
  • Insect identification: The tiny maggot insects are very small, legless, and yellow in colour and adult insects are light yellow in colour.

  • Symptoms of damage: The symptoms of its damage are first visible on the leaves. 

  • The larvae of this insect enter the leaves and make tunnels by eating the green matter. Due to this white spiral lines appear on the leaves.

  • The affected plant bears fewer pods and leaves fall prematurely. Plant growth stops and plants remain small.

  • Due to the attack of this insect, the photosynthesis of plants is also affected.

  • Control: To control this pest, spray Abamectin 1.9% EC [Abacin] @ 150 ml or Spinosad 45% SC [Tracer] @ 60 ml or Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD [Benevia] @ 250 ml per acre.

  • As a biological treatment, spray Beauveria bassiana [Bave Curb] @ 500 gm/acre.

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to like and share.


Chances of rain in many states, there will be relief from the heat in May

know the weather forecast,

Severe heatwave continues in most states of North West Central and East India. There is no chance of rain in these areas at the moment. Rain will continue over Northeast states including Sikkim of Himalaya West Bengal Kerala Karnataka etc. Some areas may get relief in the first week of May. Dust storms and thundershowers with flashes are possible.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Women will get bumper data pack every month with a free smartphone

Women will get bumper data pack every month with a free smartphone

In today’s time, mobile has become the need of everyone. The government also provides all its schemes through notifications. However, not everyone has its availability due to financial constraints. In such a situation, due to a lack of mobile, the schemes of the government are not able to reach these people. At the same time, its greatest lack has been seen with women in rural areas.

To overcome this problem of women, the Rajasthan government has announced giving free smartphones to women. According to the announcement, the government will distribute smartphones to 1 crore 33 lakh women of the state under the Chiranjeevi Yojana. However, the benefit of this scheme will be available only to the women of those families whose name is included in Chiranjeevi Yojana.

At the same time, according to the announcement of the government, the handset given will be a Made in India smartphone. It will have a 5.5-inch display with 2 GB RAM and 32 GB memory. Apart from this, the phone will be with a dual sim and at least an 8-megapixel camera. After distributing the mobile, 5 to 10 GB of data will be given free in it every month. At the same time, information about self-employment programs will be provided to women through mobile.

For more information about this scheme of the state government, visit the official website Soon after the implementation of the scheme by the government, everyone will be given its benefit.

Source: Times Bull

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Yellow vein mosaic virus disease in moong bean

Yellow vein mosaic virus disease in moong bean
  • Yellow vein mosaic is a major viral disease caused by the green gram.

  • It spreads due to whitefly and causes 25-30% of damage.

  • The symptoms of this disease can be seen in all the stages of the plant.

  • Due to this the leaves turn yellow and start twisting, the veins of the leaves also turn yellow and a net-like structure is formed on the leaves.

  • To control white fly, spray Acetamiprid 20% SP [Novaceta] @ 100 gm or Diafenthiuron 50% WP [Pager] @ 250 gm or Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% EC [Prudens] @ 250 ml/acre.

  • Beauveria bassiana [Bave Curb] @ 250gm/acre can be used as biological treatment.

For more such important information related to the agriculture sector, keep reading the articles of Gramophone daily. If you liked today’s information, then do not forget to like and share.


Most of the areas of the country are waiting for the pre-monsoon rains

know the weather forecast,

A severe heat alert has been issued in eastern India including Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. All these states are waiting for the pre-monsoon activities to bring some relief. For 1 week no such activity is visible. Good rains are possible in the northern states, although light rain is possible over Kerala and Karnataka in South India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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