Rain in some areas and severe heat in some areas

Weather Forecast

During the last two days, the temperature has dropped significantly over Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Mumbai. This relief may continue for the next 3 days. Pre Monsoon rains will continue over Interior Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and North Eastern states. Light rain and light snow are possible in the mountains.

Source: Skymet Weather

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If there is a loss in agriculture, then the government will pay for 3 years

If there is a loss in agriculture then the government will pay for 3 years

Due to the continuous use of chemical fertilizers in agriculture, the soil health and the quality of the produce are deteriorating. Apart from this, excessive use of chemical fertilizers is also having a bad effect on the environment. In such a situation, the only solution to these problems is natural farming. By adopting this, the damage caused by chemical fertilizers can be avoided. Therefore the government is promoting natural farming or organic farming across the country. Along with this, the central and state governments are also running many schemes to encourage farmers.

However, despite the efforts of the government, farmers are hesitant to do natural farming. Farmers fear that adopting this method will reduce production and cause losses to them. Along with this, markets will also not be available to sell organic products. Haryana Government has come up with a scheme to eliminate these apprehensions of farmers. Under this, the farmers of the state are being counted on the benefits of natural farming. Not only this, if natural farming damages the yield of farmers, then it will be compensated by the government for 3 years.

Let us inform you that the Haryana government has given importance to natural farming in the budget of the financial year 2022-23. For this, the government has announced a budget provision of Rs 32 crore this time. With the help of which the farmers doing natural farming will be helped financially. On the other hand, if there is any kind of loss in the yield, then the government will compensate it for 3 years.

Source: Tractor Junction

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Onion bolting or flowering problem and its remedy

Onion bolting or flowering problem and its remedy
  • This is not a disease, it is a physiological disorder, which farmers know by the name of onion flower or pipe formation etc. This problem is often seen in the onion in the 4-5 leaf stage.

  • In this disease, onion leaves turn yellow and dry from the top and flowers start forming on the leaves, due to which the yield is affected along with the size of onion bulbs.

  • Possible reasons – deficiency and excess of nitrogen in the crop, excessive irrigation, not selecting the variety according to the season, lack of nutrients in the soil, delay in transplanting, moisture in the atmosphere etc.

  • Remedy – Use the right amount of nitrogen and nutrients at the right time. Keep in mind that do not use urea while making bulbs.

  • Avoid excessive irrigation and choose only good quality variety according to the sowing season. 

  • Onion seedlings are ready for transplanting in 30-45 days, delay in transplanting also increases the chances of this disease.

  • When you see flowers in the crop, pluck it. It is necessary to do this otherwise the tubers do not get enough nutrition and the tubers remain small.

With the sowing of the crop, connect your farm with the My Farm section of Gramophone app and keep on getting the exact advice and solutions related to smart agriculture throughout the crop cycle. Share this article with your friends with the share button below.


Why soil test is necessary

Why soil test is necessary
  • Soil testing is absolutely necessary for the meaningful use of fertilizers and better crop production. 

  • Soil testing can detect soil pH, electrical conductivity[EC], organic carbon as well as major nutrients and micronutrients, which are essential for increasing yields.

  • After checking the level of nutrients available in the soil, the amount of manure and fertilizer can be recommended in the field by determining the balanced amount of elements according to the crop and variety.

  • To identify and improve the acidity, salinity and alkalinity of the soil, by recommending the quantity and type of rectifiers, you can adopt important advice and suggestions to make this type of land cultivable.

  • To find out the suitability of the land for fruit orchards.

  • For the preparation of the soil fertility map. This map is important for determining various crop production plans and gives information related to fertilizer use in a particular area.

Keep reading Gramophone’s articles for more such important information related to agriculture sector. Also share this article with your friends using the share button below.


There is a possibility of light rain and thundershowers in these states

Weather Forecast

The storm has now moved north of Andaman and Nicobar. This can be seen as a deep depression. It will make landfall in the form of depression over northern Myanmar around the afternoon of March 22. Not much damage is expected. Due to the change in the direction of the winds, a slight drop in temperature has been recorded in some parts of Gujarat including Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. Light rain and thundershowers are possible over most states of South India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Build your house cheaply, rural housing finance will be helpful

Grameen Housing Finance

With the help of Grameen Housing Finance, you can also build your own house cheaply. Know its complete information through the video.

Source: YouTube

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Bumper subsidy of 70% to farmers on a greenhouse, know the whole process

Bumper subsidy of 70% to farmers on a greenhouse

Protected farming is a good option for farmers today. Through this, many farmers of the country are earning good profits by cultivating vegetables and flowers in greenhouses. However, not every farmer in the country is financially capable of protected farming. To reduce this problem of the farmers, the government gives grants to the interested farmers, so that the financial difficulties of the farmers can be solved.

In this episode, the Rajasthan government has come up with a bumper scheme for the farmers of its state. Under this, 70% subsidy is being given to farmers in the state for setting up and cultivating greenhouses. With the help of this, farmers can do protected farming by making greenhouses, poly houses, shade net houses etc.

In Rajasthan, this program is being run under the National Horticulture Mission and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana. Under this, a 50% subsidy is given to the general category farmers of the state for greenhouse construction. At the same time, in addition to 50% subsidy, 20% additional grant is provided to small, marginal, scheduled caste and tribe farmers.

Let us inform you that earlier, farmers were given grants on the basis of the ‘first come first serve’ scheme. At present, this process of selecting farmers has been changed. From last year, under this scheme, only the farmers selected by lottery are given grants. You too can earn good profit through the protected farms by joining this economic scheme of the state.

Source: Kisan Samadhan

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