Temperature will increase in all these states including MP, know weather forecast

Weather Forecast

Temperature is rising in many states of the country along with Madhya Pradesh. In some areas of Vidarbha, Jharkhand, Odisha and Telangana, the temperature has reached 37 to 39 degrees. Temperature has reached 40 degrees at one of these two places. There is no possibility of any relief from the scorching heat for the next few days. The weather will also be completely dry.

Video Source: Skymet Weather


Important news for farmers, Be cautious otherwise you may have to pay a heavy price

Kisan Credit Card

Millions of farmers are taking benefits from the Kisan Credit Card. But through this, the farmers taking loan should be alerted. In fact, now only 28 days are left to return the amount received from the card with interest. If farmers do not return these amounts to the bank with interest till 31 March, then they will have to pay interest up to 7% instead of 4%.

Explain that if you take a loan of 3 lakh rupees through Kisan Credit Card, then you have to pay up to 7% interest according to the rules. However, by reducing the economic burden of farmers, the central government also provides subsidy of up to 2%. In addition, following the rules, those farmers are given a rebate on additional interest of up to 3%.

Source: Krishi Jagran


What are the symptoms of deficiency of micronutrient zinc in crops?

symptoms of deficiency of micronutrient zinc
  • Zinc stimulates enzyme activity in plants and plays an important role in the production of hormones.
  • Zinc is helpful in protein synthesis and the lack of zinc in the pulse crop decreases the rate of protein accumulation, leading to a decligreatlyod formation.
  • It acts as a catalyst in chlorophyll production, thus helping plants in food production.
  • Zinc promotes the use of phosphorus and nitrogen by plants.
  • Due to its deficiency, the size of the leaves remains small, it curls and yellow stripes appear between its veins.

How to prepare healthy seeds on farm

How to prepare healthy seeds on farm
  • It is very important to have good and healthy seeds for good crop production.
  • The farmer collects some of the new seeds from the latest produce for sowing next time.
  • It is very important to properly grade the seeds before keeping these seeds in the storage.
  • To do this, the variety of seeds that have been selected to be cultivated should be sown in a good field, apart from the rest of the crop.
  • Sow the seeds only after soil treatment and seed treatment.
  • To keep the crop free from pests and diseases throughout the crop cycle, spray chemicals from time to time.
  • This way farmers can produce disease free seeds.

This policy of LIC will improve the future of your children, read full information

New Children's Money Back Plan

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has brought a special policy for your children. Its name is ‘New Children’s Money Back Plan’. With this you can make your child’s future safe. If you make a good investment in this policy, by the time your child completes his studies, he will become a millionaire.

Children of 0 to 12 years can be added to this policy of LIC. At least 10 thousand rupees must be invested in this policy. There is no limit to the maximum amount.

The total term of this policy is 25 years and on completion of 18 years, 20 years and 22 years of the child, an amount of 20-20% is also paid on the basis of basic sum insured. Apart from this, the policy holder gets 40% on completion of 25 years.

With this, if the policyholder dies before the completion of the policy term, then the Sum Assured plus the implied simple reversionary bonus and the last additional bonus are also given.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Outbreak of severe heat will continue in Madhya Pradesh, know weather forecast

Weather Forecast

For the last few days, there has been a significant rise in the temperature. In most areas of Vidarbha and South Madhya Pradesh, the temperature has reached 38 to 39 degrees. This temperature is 3 to 4 higher than normal. There is no possibility of any relief from the scorching heat for the next few days. The weather will also be completely dry.

Video Source: Skymet Weather


Importance of mycorrhiza in watermelon

Importance of mycorrhiza in watermelon
  • Particles of mycorrhiza fungi attach microscopically with the roots of watermelon plants, and provide the nutrients required for root growth and development.
  • Especially elements like phosphorus, potash, etc. help increase the growth of watermelon crops.
  • Mycorrhizal fungus helps the watermelon plant to absorb more nutrients and water from the soil.
  • Mycorrhiza fungi increase the tolerance of the plant to withstand various types of environmental stresses.
  • In addition, mycorrhiza fungi play an important role in the absorption of all types of essential nutrients in soil.

1st March Indore Market Price

Mandi Bhaw


Crop Lowest Price Maximum Price
Dollar gram 3175 6825
Wheat 1100 2125
Gram Seasonal 1305 5440
Soybean 2960 5190
Corn 1170 1330
Batla 2650 3995
Toor 3700 6500
Coriander 5000 5910
Chilli 2850 20000
Mustard 5005 5005

Weed Management in watermelon

Weed Management in watermelon
  • Watermelon is a shallow rooted crop, hence intercultural activities can be done very comfortably.
  • Often,weeding  is done between the rows of crops. Weeds should not  grow too much in the field, in the event of large weeds growing in the field, they should be uprooted by hand and separated.
  • Spray chemical weedicide like Pendimethalin 30% CS @ 700 ml/acre during 1 to 3 days before germination of weeds .
  • For control of  narrow leafed weeds use Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @ 400 ml / acre at 2-4 leaf stage with or Propaquizafop 10% EC @ 400 ml/acre at 10 to 25 days of crop stage.

Now more loan will be available from Kisan Credit Card, read full information

Now more loan will be available from Kisan Credit Card

Whereas earlier farmers could get up to Rs 15 lakh through ‘Kisan Credit Card’, now it has been decided to increase this amount to Rs 16.5 lakh. The government has taken this decision to improve the economic condition of the farmers.

Explain that currently lakhs of farmers are taking advantage of ‘Kisan Credit Card’. The government wants to extend the facility of Kisan Credit Card to 2.50 crore farmers in the coming days. It is important to note that any farmer can take the Kisan Credit Card related to agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries etc. Apart from this, a farmer cultivating another person’s fields can also take advantage of it. The farmers of the age group of 18 to 75 can take advantage of this scheme.

Source: Krishi Jagran
