Temperature control measures for good crop production

Temperature control measures for good crop production

Irrigation of fields is crucial: – Whenever there is a possibility of low temperature or frost warning has been given from the weather forecast department, light irrigation should be provided to the crop. The temperature will not fall below 0° C and crops can be protected from the loss due to lower temperature as Irrigation increases the temperature by 0.5 – 2° C.

Cover the plant: – The nursery is in the most vulnerable stage in low temperature. In nursery it is advisable to cover the plants with plastic sheets at night. By doing so, the plastic causes the temperature inside to increase by 2-3 degree celsius. Straw can also be used instead of polyethylene whose surface temperature does not reach the deposition point. While covering the plants, keep in mind that the south eastern part of the plants remain open, so that the plants get sunlight in the morning and afternoon.

Windbreakers: – These breakers reduce the intensity of cold waves and protect them from crop damage. For this, such crops should be sown around the field, so that the wind is controlled to some extent, for e.g. sowing maize in gram fields. To protect the plants from frost, they should be covered except in the direction of sunlight using straw or any other object.

Smoke near the field: – To control temperature, you can create smoke in your field, so that the temperature does not fall to the deposition point and crops can be protected from damage.


Nutritional management measures while tubers formation in the onion crop

Nutritional management measures while tubers formation in the onion crop
  • Until three leaves do not emerge after germination, the crop grows slowly above the ground and in the soil.
  • Once the 3 leaves emerge, the growth of the crop accelerates. This development takes place within the soil.
  • Plants produce more leaves to increase photosynthetic activity and store the materials needed to make bulbs.
  • Nutritional management in plants at this stage is important for bulb formation, crop development, and the beginning of final yield.
  • Presently spray Paclobutrazol @ 40% SC @ 30 ml/acre as spray
  • Use Calcium Nitrate @ 10 kg/acre + Potash @ 25 kg/acre as soil treatment.

Benefits of fertilizer management in wheat crop

Benefits of fertilizer management in wheat crop
  • The production of wheat crops can be increased to a large extent by using the right  fertilizers at the right time. 
  • Fertilizer management is done in three stages in wheat crop 1. at the time of sowing 2. Management in 20 -30 days of sowing 3. Fertilizer management in 50 -60 days of sowing
  • Fertilizer management at the time of sowing improves germination of wheat crop and provides uniform growth to the plant.
  • The  Management in 20 -30 days of sowing improves good root growth and development of tillers . 
  • By managing fertilizer in 50-60 days of sowing, the earhead emerges well and milk fills well in the grains and the production of grains is very good.

Importance of Zinc Soluble Bacteria in Cucumber

Importance of Zinc Soluble Bacteria in Cucumber
  • Zinc bacteria creates soluble organic acids in soil that help to convert insoluble zinc into soluble zinc.
  • Soluble zinc is easily available to the plants than its insoluble variant, it effectively protects the plants from many diseases, their use increases the yield and also improves the soil health.
  • Zinc is required as a catalyst in various metallic enzymes in plants and for metabolic activities.
  • Plays an important role in plant growth and development
  • Gramophone provides zinc bacteria by the name of  Taba-G and SKB  ZnSB.

Measures to control root knot nematode at the time of sowing in water melon

Measures to control root knot nematode at the time of sowing in water melon
  • The female of the root knot nematode lays eggs inside the root, or above the root.
  • Newborns nematodes  after hatching out of their eggs move towards the root. They consume root cells. And form knot in the roots
  • Nematodes affect the Growth of plants leaving the plant underdeveloped.
  • The color of the leaves becomes light yellow.
  • The plant dries up and dies when there is heavy infestation.
  • To control this, do deep plowing of land in the summer season.
  • Use neem cake at the rate of 80-100 kg per acre.
  • Effective control of root knot nematodes is also done by using Pacelomycaceus linaceous 1% WP  2–4 kg per acre of mixed with well rotten dung manure at the time of field preparation.

Importance of Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria in watermelon crop

Importance of Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria in watermelon crop
  • These bacteria are helpful in providing phosphorus as well as micronutrients like Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu.
  • Helps to grow roots rapidly, so that plants get water and nutrients easily.
  • PSB produces  certain organic acids such as malic, succinic, fumaric, citric, tartaric acid and acetic acid. These acids increase the availability of phosphorus.
  • Enhances immunity against diseases and drought.
  • Its use  reduces the need for phosphatic fertilizer by 25 – 30%.

Rs 100 crore will be sent to the accounts of 5 lakh farmers of Madhya Pradesh

Rs 100 crore will be sent to the accounts of 5 lakh farmers of Madhya Pradesh

The Madhya Pradesh government is going to give a new gift to 5 lakh farmers. This gift will be given under Mukhyamantri Kisan Kalyan Yojana. Under this scheme, 100 crore rupees will be sent to the accounts of 5 lakh farmers.

An amount of 2-2 thousand rupees will be sent to every farmer account under this scheme. State Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has tweeted himself giving information about this scheme. In this tweet, he wrote that “100 crore rupees are being deposited in the account of 5 lakh farmers of the state today under the Chief Minister Kisan Kalyan Yojana. It will continue and this will benefit about 80 lakh farmers. The steps to be taken for the welfare of farmers It is necessary that our government is constantly raising it. We will leave no stone unturned.

Shivraj Tweet

Source: Prabhat Khabar


How to control the late blight disease in potatoes

How to control the late blight disease in potatoes
  • In this disease, irregular shaped spots are formed on the leaves.
  • Which causes the early fall of leaves, due to these spots, a brown layer is formed on the leaves which affect  the photosynthesis  process of  the plant.
  • As  the process of  photosynthesis is affected, the plants are unable to produce food, stunting the growth of the plant and the plant dries prematurely.
  • Chemical treatment:-Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC @ 300 ml/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 400 gram/acre or Ketazin 48% EC @ 300 ml/acre or Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 600 gram / acre 
  • Biological treatment: – Use Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gm/acre.

You can earn good every month from this post office scheme, know details

You can earn good every month from this post office scheme, know details

This post office scheme is named Monthly Income Scheme (MIS). Under this scheme, payment can be taken every month on opening an account and investing. This scheme is very good for those who do not have regular income.

An account can be opened under this scheme with a minimum of 1000 rupees. It also has the facility to open a joint account with a single account. The maximum investment limit is Rs 4.5 lakh for a single account and Rs 9 lakh for a joint account. This account can be opened by anyone over the age of 10 years.

Source: AsiaNews.com


How to Manage Weed in Wheat

How to Manage Weed in Wheat
  • Weeds cause heavy  damage to the wheat crop as they get  their requirement of nutrients and moisture directly from soil and plants.
  • And thus competing with crop plants for light and space, thereby reducing crop yields
  • Bathua (Chenopodium album), Gehu ka mama (Phalaris minor), Wild Oats ( Avena fatua), Pyajii  (Asphodelus tenuifolius) etc. cause serious problems in wheat fields. In addition, Dub (Cynodon dactylon) is a major perennial weed.
  • Use of the following products is very important to control these weeds.
  • Spray of 2,4-D amine salt 58% @ 400 ml/acre in 25-30 days after sowing.
  • Spray Metsulfuron methyl @ 20% WP @ 8 gram/acre within 30 days of sowing. After its use, 3 irrigation must be done.
  • Spray Clodinafop propargyl 15% + Metsulfuron methyl 1% WP @ 160 gram/acre.
  • Spray of Clodinafop propargyl @ 15% WP @ 160 gram/acre during 30-35 days of sowing.