Nutrition Management while transplanting onion nursery

Nutrition Management while transplanting onion nursery
  • Nutrition management is very important before the onion is transplanted in the main field.
  • Remember that it is necessary to supply all the nutrients in the field at the time of transplanting.
  • At this time use Urea @ 25 kg/acre as a soil treatment to manage nutrition.
  • Urea is used as a nitrogenous source and is used to treat nitrogen deficiency in the crop and soil, it is very important for the growth of the crop.
  • With urea also use gramophone special onion samridhi kit for good growth and development of onion crop.

How to treat onion seedlings before transplanting in the main field

How to treat onion seedlings before transplanting in the main field
  • Just as soil treatment is necessary before transplanting in onion, in the same way, it is very important to treat the seedlings at the time of transplanting.
  • Unavailable elements present in the soil will be available to the onion crop, which is helpful for the quick and equal growth of onion crops.
  • There is good growth and development of the roots and the number of white roots increases and the onion crop gets a good start.
  • Prepare a solution of Mycorrhiza @ 5 gm per liter for seedling treatment. After uprooting the plant, soak the roots in this solution for 10 minutes and then transplant it in the field.

Cold will increase after rain, know weather forecast

Weather Forecast

The effect of cold is now seen in many states of the country. The cold has started rising in many areas of the country including the capital Delhi and NCR. The temperature is declining everyday.

Talk about the weather forecast for the next 24 hours, then light rain activities will continue in East Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Vidarbha. Light rains may also occur over South-Eastern Uttar Pradesh and parts of Jharkhand. Severe fog is likely to continue due to dense fog in Punjab, Haryana as well as some areas of Uttar Pradesh. There is a possibility of a cold wave in Delhi too.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Government is preparing to ban these 6 pesticides

Government is preparing to ban these 6 pesticides

6 pesticides will be banned from 31 December 2020. It is being told that the use of these pesticides is dangerous for people and animals.

These are six insecticides

– Alaclor

– Dichlorvos

– Phorate

– Phosphamidon

– Triazophos

– Trichlorfon

Earlier the government banned 12 pesticides from 8 August 2020.

These are 12 pesticides

– Benomyl

– Carbaryl

– Diazinon

– Fenarimol

– Linuron

– Methoxy Ethyl Mercury Chloride

– Methyl Parathion

– Sodium Cyanide

– Thiometon

– Tridemorph

– Trifluralin

Source: Krishi Jagran


How to prepare the main field at the time of onion transplanting

onion transplanting
  • It is very necessary to prepare the main field before the onion plant is transplanting in the main field.
  • At the time of preparing the field, take special care that it is necessary to supply all the nutrients in the field.
  • For field preparation, use FYM @ 4-6 tons/acre, replenish the carbon content in the soil
  • SSP @ 60 kg/acre to provide phosphorus, calcium, sulfur elements broadcast in the field.
  • DAP @ 25 kg/acre for good growth and development of roots.
  • Potash @ 40 kg/acre should be broadcast in the field for crop and soil.
  • Along with this, must use the Gramophone’s special onion samridhi kit. 

Registration will be started from January to purchase wheat

Registration will be started from January to purchase wheat

Farmers are currently engaged in sowing wheat crop. Sowing is complete in many areas and sowing is still going on in many areas. In such a situation, the Haryana government has already started preparing for the purchase of wheat from farmers next year.

This time, farmers will be able to register wheat for sale from January 1 under ‘Meri crop mera particulars’. The government is also setting up call centers for farmers through which information related to procurement will be provided to farmers.

Source: Bhaskar


Risk of fungal diseases in crops due to weather change, learn safety measures

Risk of fungal diseases in crops due to weather change

As the weather is constantly changing, onion, garlic, potato and vegetable crops are highly affected due to this effect, due to this effect, the yellowing of  leaves appear first in the crop and the leaves of the crop are dried from the edges. In  vegetable crops, there is an infection of late blight , leaf spot disease, downy mildew, etc. Use of the following products is very necessary to avoid crop damage due to adverse weather conditions

Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% Wp @ 300 gram/acre or Mancozeb 64% + Metalaxyl 4% Wp @ 500 gram/acre or Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% Sc@ 300 ml/acre or Thiophanate Methyl 70% W/P @ 300 gram/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 400 gram/acre 

With this use Pseudomonas Fluorescens @ 250 gram/acre remember one thing don’t use Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% Wp with Pseudomonas Fluorescens


How to protect crops from caterpillar due to the changing weather

Due to the sudden change in the weather, in  the rabi season vegetable crops and potato, wheat, gram etc. crops, there is a high probability of attacks  of the caterpillar because in this low temperature and high humidity, the  egg laying is start in insects and they  do a lot of damage to the crops by eating crop  leaves, stems, fruits, flowers.

In this type of weather there is a heavy attack of green caterpillars, spodoptera  lutera, fruit  borer etc for control of these use  following products is very effective. 

Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% Sc@ 60 ml/acre or Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin Benzoate 0.9 Sc@ 600 ml/acre or Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4% Ec@ 400 ml/acre or Emamectin Benzoate 5% Sg@ 100 gram/acre. With these spray use Beauveria Bassiana @ 250 gram/acre


Temperature will fall further in these states including MP, know weather forecast

Weather report

Video Source: Skymet Weather

The winter season has knocked in the mountainous areas and the effect of this is now being seen gradually in the plains. Due to this, changes in weather patterns have been observed in many places. Several regions of Madhya Pradesh have been witnessing light rain for the last two-three days and the temperature has also dropped.

Though the rains will stop in the next few days, the temperature is expected to fall further. Minimum temperature is expected to decrease in Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh during the next 24 hours.

Apart from this, light to moderate rain and thunder showers are expected to fall in Konkan Goa and some areas of central Maharashtra. Whereas, light to moderate rains may occur over North Madhya Pradesh, North Chhattisgarh, Coastal Karnataka, Kerala and Arunachal Pradesh.

Source: Krishi Jagran
