It’s very important to keep pace with the changing weather

Due to the cyclone made in the Bay of Bengal, it is raining in Central India. According to the Meteorological Department, there’s a possibility of heavy rain with hail in many areas of the country. Light to moderate rains is expected in the eastern and central parts of Madhya Pradesh and North Chhattisgarh in the next 24 hours. Along with this, some areas in Sikkim, West Bengal and southern coastal Tamil Nadu could also witness scattered rains.

In view of the recent changes in the weather, farmers should take the following precautions-

  • Maintain the drainage system properly in the field so that the water won’t stop for long in the field.
  • During harvesting, do not keep the crops in an open area. Instead, keep it in a splash, room, warehouse or any place where rainwater can’t come.
  • Once the sky gets clear, spread the gram, lentil, wheat etc. on a tirpal or plastic sheets and dry it thoroughly for 2 to 3 days so that the moisture content in the grains comes below 12%. Then store it properly.
  • To protect the seeds from insects and fungus, clean the stalks, soil, leaves and weeds from the seeds and dry it thoroughly for 2-3 days in strong sunlight, and store them only when there’s just 8-10% moisture left in the seeds.
  • Seed treatment with fungicide is necessary before storage, which can lead to cheap and effective control of the seed-borne disease. For this purpose, the seeds should be treated with  3 grams of thyram or captian or 2 grams of carboxin for each kilogram of seed.
  • Given the change in weather, many diseases and pests can attack crops because this environment is suitable for them.
  • Vegetables of Summer pumpkin group are prone to the attack of red beetle insect. If the number of these insects is high, spray Dichlorovos 76 EC @ 1 gram per litre of water.
  • To control juice sucker insects like whitefly, aphid, jassids etc. in okra, spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 1-1.5 ml per liter of water.
  • There is a high possibility of Thrips in Onion crop so spray Profenophos 50 EC @ 45 ml or Lambda cyhalothrin 4.9% CS @ 20 ml or Spinosed @ 10 ml or Fipronil 5 SC @ 15 liters water per acre.
  • Use 0.5 ml mixture with insecticide in 15 liters of water, so that the insecticide is absorbed by the plants properly.
  • Deep ploughing should be done in such time. deep ploughing leads to smooth movement of air in the soil, thereby increasing the water holding capacity in the soil and destroying harmful insect and fungal spores.

How to prevent Watermelon from collar rot

  • This disease occurs due to excessive water accumulation in the field
  • In this disease, dark brown-green spots are formed on the stems.
  • The whole plant rot and die in the final stages.
  • To prevent this disease, seeds should be treated at the rate of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 64% @ 3 g/ kg seed.
  • Trichoderma viride @ 1 kg + Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 1 kg make the solution in 200 litres of water and apply as root drenching or
  • Drenching at 10 days intervals by making a solution of Kasugamycin 5 + Copper Oxychloride 45 45 WP or Carbendazim 3 g or Metalexyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP @ 500 g / acre.

How to save the Bitter Gourd crop from Anthracnose disease

  • It’s a very harmful disease of Bitter gourd.
  • Initially irregular yellow or brown spots start appearing on the leaves.
  • In the next stages, these spots become darker and spread on the entire leaves.
  • Small dark spots are produced on the fruit which then spread on the whole fruit.
  • Pink spores are formed between these spots in wet weather.
  • Due to this, the process of photosynthesis is interrupted and the plant growth stops completely.
  • To prevent this disease, treat the seeds at the rate of Carboxin 37.5 + Thiram 37.5 @ 2.5 g / kg seed.
  • Spray Mancozeb 75% WP 400 gram/acre or chlorothalonil 75% WP 300 gram/acre at 10 days intervals.

How to Manage Weed in Moong Crop?

Weed management is a very important activity in moong crop. If not managed properly, it can significantly reduce the production of the yield. These weeds compete for the nutrients, moisture, light, location etc. with the main crop and decrease its growth, yield and quality. The damage caused by weeds is more than the loss due to any other reasons like insects, pests, diseases, disease etc. The most important thing about weed management is to control the weeds at the right time. Weeds could be prevented in the following ways-

preventive method – This method includes all those activities which can prevent the entry of weeds in the field. These activities include the use of approved seeds, use of good rotten dung and compost manure, cleaning of irrigation drains, and proper cleaning of the instruments used for sowing.

Mechanical method – It is a simple and effective method for controlling weeds. It is necessary to keep the crop free from weeds between 15th to 45th day after sowing. Generally, weed management becomes more effective by doing hand weeding twice, first between 15-20 days and then within 30-35 days. However, this method requires more precautions otherwise, the roots of the plant may get damaged significantly. It also demands a lot of time and labour. 

Chemical method- Weeds can also be controlled successfully through weedicides. This method saves a lot of time and also reduces the per hectare cost. But awareness is required when using these chemicals. These weeds should be used only after knowing the appropriate quantity of weed, its time, its type, the crop etc. Use 700 ml of weedicide such as pendimethalin (Stomp Extra) by mixing it in 200 litres of clean water for each acre of the farm. It should be used within 72 hours of sowing. In the standing mung bean crop, when the weeds with narrow leaves are in their 2–4th leaf stage, then use 300 ml of Cuzalophope ethyl 5 EC (Taraga Super) or Propagusalophope 10 EC (Agile) with 200 litres of clean water for each acre of the farm. 


Management of Powdery mildew disease in bitter gourd

  • First of all, white-grey spots start appearing on the upper part of the leaves which later grow into white coloured powder.
  • This fungus draws nutrients from the plants and hinders photosynthesis, which stops the plant’s growth.
  • With the growth of the disease, the infected part dries up and the leaves fall off.
  • Hexaconazole 5% SC 400 ml or Thiophanate methyl 70 WP 200 ml or Azoxystrobin 23 SC with 200 to 250 litres of water for an interval of fifteen days.

Importance of Moong Samridhi Kit`s products

The Gramophone’s Moong Samriddhi Kit has the owing versatile product-

  • Incryl: This product is a combination of naturally available ingredients like seaweed and amino acids. This product promotes better growth of the crop by increasing root growth and photosynthesis.
  • Tricho Shield Combat: This product contains Trichoderma viridi which is capable of preventing most harmful fungi found in soil. Due to which, the root of the crop is protected from diseases such as root rot, wilt, damping off. 
  • Combimex: This product is a mixture of two different types of microorganisms which helps to increase the availability of essential ingredients potash and phosphorus to the crops.
  • Jai Vatika Rhizobium: This bacteria makes legume in the roots of the pulses crop, which nitrogen fixation from the atmosphere and gives crops an available form.

Watch this video to know how farmers are increasing their production using the moong Samriddhi kit-


Gramophone Moong Samriddhi Kit for achieving the best quality moong crop

  • All the products included in the Moong Samriddhi Kit are completely organic. Thus, they improve the structure of the soil without damaging the environment.
  • This kit works to increase the number of beneficial organisms in the soil and increase the availability of nutrients to the plants. 
  • Moong Samriddhi Kit helps a lot in destroying harmful fungi and doing important tasks like the growth of roots etc.
  • This Kit protects crops from diseases like root rot, dullness, wet rot in the crop.
  • This kit increases nitrogen fixation by increasing Rhizobium in the roots. 

Watch this video to know how farmers are increasing their production using the moong Samriddhi kit-


Knowledge of advanced varieties of chili

Hyveg Saniya: 

  • This variety of chilli is intermediate resistance for bacterial wilt and Chilli Mosaic Virus.
  • The chillies of this variety are 13-15 cm long, 1.7 cm thick and weighs around 14 grams. They are shiny yellowish-green in colour.
  • The first harvesting of this variety takes place in 50–55 days.

Mahyco Navtej (MHCP-319): 

  • This is powder mildew and drought-tolerant variety.
  • This hybrid variety is of medium to high pungency which has long storage capacity.

Watch this video to know more about other high yielding varieties of chilli-


Process of taking sample for soil testing

  • For soil testing, the sample should be taken in such a way that it represents the complete area or field. At least 500 grams of the sample must be taken for soil testing. 
  • Remove organic materials such as twigs, dry leaves, stalks and grasses etc. from the top surface of the soil, and choose samples from 8-10 locations according to the area of the field.
  • At selected locations, make a V-shaped hole of around 10-15 cm in shallow root crops and 25-30 cm depth for deep root crops.
  • Then cut a uniform layer of soil of about one-inch thickness and collect it.
  • Similarly, take samples from other parts of farms too. Now mix this samples of soil and divide it into four parts.
  • Now remove two facing parts from this sample as shown in the image, and make a pile of the remaining part. Keep repeating the same process until you are left with only half kilogram of soil sample.
  • Put this soil sample in polyethene and label it. 
  • For labelling, write the name of the farmer, location of the field, date of soil sampling and the name of the previous, present crop as well as the crop you are planning to sow next.

Please watch this video for more information about soil sampling –


What information could be obtained by soil testing?

The following facts can be determined from soil testing –

  • Soil PH
  • Electronic conductivity (Concentrations of salts)
  • Organic Carbon 
  • Available Nitrogen 
  • Available Phosphorus 
  • Available Potash 
  • Available Calcium 
  • Available Zinc
  • Available Boron 
  • Available Sulphur 
  • Available Iron 
  • Available Manganese
  • Available Copper  

By knowing the number of nutrients available in the soil, we can adjust the quantity of fertilizers accordingly. This would increase the productivity of the crop and reduce the cost of cultivation.
