Seed rate for Cauliflower

  • For hybrid varieties:- 175-200 gm/acre of seeds is required.
  • For improved varieties:- 400-500 gm/ acre of seed is required.

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Sowing method of sweet corn

  • Two seeds per hill are dibbled manually or mechanically one third from the top on the side of the ridge.
  • Excess seedlings should be thinned out 10 days after emergence to have single seedling per hill.

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Seed rate for Cabbage

  • For hybrid varieties:- 175-200 gm/acre of seeds is required.
  • For improved varieties:- 400-500 gm/acre of seed is required.

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Seed treatment in Cabbage

  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WP @ 2g/kg of seed before sowing.
  • Continuous raising of nursery in the same plot should be avoided.

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Climate and soil for sweet corn

  • It needs warm, sunny weather.
  • The temperatures for optimum germination should be above 18°C.
  • For optimum growth and quality, the temperature range is from 24°C to 30°C.
  • Sweet corn requires a well-drained soil with adequate water holding capacity for optimum growth.
  • Sweet corn grows best in a soil with a pH between 5.8 and 6.5.

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Suitable soil for Cauliflower

  • Cultivation of cauliflower is done mainly on sandy to heavy soil rich in organic matter.
  • Light soil is preferred for early crops.
  • On heavy soil, plants grow more slowly and the keeping quality is improved.
  • The optimum pH is 6-7 and liming is required when pH is below 5.5.
  • Plants growing in saline soils are prone to fungal and bacterial diseases.

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Nursery bed preparation for Cabbage

  • The cabbage seeds are sown in a seedbed and 4-6 week old seedlings are transplanting to the field.
  • Raised beds of size 3 x 0.6 m and 10-15 cm in height are prepared.
  • About 70 cm distance is kept between two beds to carry out intercultural operations such as weeding, etc.
  • The surface of beds should be smooth and well levelled.
  • Well-decomposed FYM @ 8-10 kg/square m is added at the time of bed preparation.
  • Raised beds are necessary to avoid the problem of water logging in heavy soils.
  • To avoid mortality of seedlings due to damping off,  drenching of the beds with Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP @ (30g/15 litres of water) is effective.

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