Suggestions for control of yellowing of Coriander Leaves

  • Coriander is an important crop of spices, all parts of which use stems, leaves, and seeds.
  • If its management is not correct, then it becomes yellow, which reduces production.
  • For its management, Apply Nitrogen Fixation Bacteria and Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria with Basal Dosage mixed up well in the field at the rate of 2 kg per acre.
  • Due to the lack of nitrogen in the soil and the problem of disease and insects, coriander leaves turn yellowish.
  • Apply Thiophanate methyl 70% wp @ 250-300 g and chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml per acre with irrigation.
  • After this drenching, apply 19:19:19 @ 500 gm per acre.

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How to protect our crops from White Grubs

White Grub management is a challenge for farmers, a severe attack has the potential of damaging 80 to 100% of the crop. A minuscule count of 2 to 14 grubs is enough to damage 64.7% of the crop.

Life cycle:-

1. After the lash of first rains, adult white grub comes out of the pupa stage and for the next month, it starts laying eggs 8 inches below soil level.

2. Next 3-4 weeks the gestation period sets in and the eggs grow to form larvae.

3. This larvae stage is most damaging for the crop as the larvae feed on the nutrients available in soil and crop for the next 4 to 5 months and just before the onset of incremental temperatures they once again attain the pupa stage.

White grubs management:-How to control

Chemical control:- Soil application of fenpropathrin 10% EC 10% EC @ 500ml per acre, fipronil 40 + imidacloprid 40% WG   @100 Gm/acre OR chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 500 ml/acre.

Biological control:-  Apply Matarizum spp. @ 1kg/acre and Beauveria+Matarizum spp. @ 2kg/acre. Fungal formulation along with  first dose of fertilizers.

Mechanical control:- Use a light trap.

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Thing to keep in mind before selecting Suitable cotton variety to your field

Selection of the right variety is a key factor for yield improvement. Right variety depends upon our farming purpose. So we are telling here some unique characteristics for popular varieties.

Early variety (140-160 days) :-

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi)
  • Moneymaker (Kaveri)
  • Bhakti (Nuziveedu)

According to Soil type:-

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi) ( Suitable for Medium to Heavy)
  • Neo (Rasi) (Suitable for Light-Medium)

Big boll size:-

  • Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi)
  • Moneymaker (Kaveri)
  • Atm Kch-311 BG-II (Kaveri)
  • Jackpot (Kaveri)

Good boll weight (6-7.5 gram):-

  • Jackpot (Kaveri)
  • Jadoo (Kaveri)
  • Atm Kch-311 BG-II (Kaveri)

Sucking pest tolerance:-

Neo (Rasi)

  • Bhakti (Nuzivedu)

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How to prepare Nursery for chilli

  • TIME: Ideally nursery should be prepared between the 1st May to 30th May.
  • The first step is to pulverize the soil with a fine tilth.
  • An area of 60 sqm should be divided into 16-18 beds measuring 3meters/1.25 meters in length and width, this should be enough for 1 acre of transplanting.
  • 150Kg decomposed FYM with 750gm DAP should be enough to fertilize an area of 60sqm.
  • Thiophanate methyl 0.5gm/sqm should be applied to avoid fungal infestation.
  • Seed rate of chili is 100gm/Acre.

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Popular varieties of chilies preferred by farmers of Madhya Pradesh

Farmers start nursery preparation for chilly in Nimar region from 3rd week of April. 5-7 days before from sowing are an important time for selection of variety. Selection of the right variety is a key factor for yield improvement. Right variety depends upon our farming purpose. So we are telling here some unique characteristics for popular varieties.

For green chili production

  • Nanditha (Nunhems)
  • HPH -12 (Syngenta)
  • Ujala (Nunhems)
  • MHCP 310 – Teja  (Mahyco)

For red chili production.

  • Sonal (Rasi Seeds )
  • US 720  (Nunhems)
  • US 611 (Nunhems)
  • HPH-12 (Syngenta)

For tolerant to virus infection

  • HPH-12 (Syngenta)
  • Sonal (Rasi Seeds)
  • Pride (Rasi Seeds)
  • Nanditha (Nunhems)

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Why & how to apply FYM in soil?

  • Most of the arable lands across the country show low levels of organic carbon with deficiencies ranging from 11% to 76%.

  • FYM is a good source of organic carbon.

  • Soil organic carbon is the key factor of the soil fertility by releasing the nutrients for plant growth, promotes structure physical and biological health of the soil.
  • Farmyard manure is organic matter used as fertilizer in agriculture. Manures improve the fertility of adding organic matter and lots of nutrients, On an average well composted farmyard manure contains 0.5% N, 0.2 % P2O5and 0.5 % K2O.
  • They supply plant nutrients including micronutrients and increase their availability.
  • They improve soil physical properties like Water holding capacity, Porosity etc.
  • The nutrients are lost due to leaching by rainwater so 8 -10 Tones /acre well-rotted farmyard manure (FYM) should be spread uniformly on the unploughed soil.Like and share with other farmers by clicking on button below.


Suitable soil for Cabbage

  • Cultivation of cauliflower is done mainly on sandy to heavy soil rich in organic matter.
  • Light soil is preferred for early crops.
  • On heavy soil, plants grow more slowly and the keeping quality is improved.
  • The optimum pH is 6-7 and liming is required when pH is below 5.5.
  • Plants growing in saline soils are prone to fungal and bacterial diseases.

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Seed treatment for Sweet corn

  • Corn seed should be treated with Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WP @ 2g/kg of seed before sowing.

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Spacing for cabbage

  • The planting distance may vary according to variety, planting season and soil conditions.
  • The following distances are generally recommended on the basis of maturity of varieties.
  • Early variety 45 x 45 cm.
  • Mid variety 60 x 45 cm.
  • Late variety 60 x 60 or 75 x 60 cm.

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Soil solarization in chilli nursery

  • For chilli nursery, April-May is a suitable time for soil solarization. As the temperature rises up to 40 ºC at this time.
  • Spread transparent polythene of 200 gauges (50 Micron) on the whole nursery area for about 5-6 weeks.
  • The margin of the polythene should be covered by wet soil (compressed mud) to check the entry of air.
  • After 5-6 weeks remove the polythene sheet.

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