Control of tobacco caterpillar in Tomato

  • Deep summer ploughing.
  • Collect and destroy infested plant parts, egg masses and larva.
  • Install sex pheromone trap @ 5 traps/acre for early deduction of the pest.
  • Erection of bird perches @ 5 bird perches/ acre.
  • Apply Profenophos 50 % EC@ 400 ml/acre or quinalphos 25% EC @ 400 ml/acre
  • In case of severe infestation apply Emamectin Benzoate @ 80 Gm/acre

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Flower Promotion in bottle gourd

  • The flowering stage is most important in bottle gourd.
  • The flowering play a vital role in the production of bottle gourd.
  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml./acre.
  • Use multi-micro nutrients 300 gm/acre.
  • Spray 2 gm/acre gibberellic acid.

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Control of mosaic virus in watermelon

  • Watermelon mosaic virus initially appears on the leaves and spreads from the stem to the fruit.
  • Fruits become distorted and are small in size, and they break down from the petioles.
  • Leaves of plant curl downwards and leaf size smaller than normal.
  • This disease transmitted by aphid.
  • Preventive management of this disease, use the disease-free seed for sowing and do proper tillage operation.
  • Remove all the infected plants from the field.
  • Spray of Imidachloprid17.8% SL @ 70-100 ml/acre.

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Seed treatment of coriander

  • Soak the seeds in water for 12 hours.
  • Treat the seeds with Carboxin 37.5 +Thiram 37.5% @ 2.5 gm / kg seed.

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Control of mosaic in tomato

  • Normal green colour of leaf is interspersed with irregular patches.
  • Mild mottling of foliage, narrowing of leaf blade, chlorosis and distortion of fruits take place.
  • Select the seeds only from healthy plants.
  • Grow the seedlings in sterilized soil.
  • Remove all the infected plants from the field.
  • Vector control by using systemic insecticide- Imidacloprid (17.8% SL) @ 100-120 ml/acre or Acephate (75% SP) @ 140-200 g /acre.

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Sowing time in coriander

  • For leaves purpose, coriander is sown in June-July.
  • For seed production coriander is sown in October-November.

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Control of fusarium wilt in muskmelon

  • Muskmelon plants get infected early in the season and they do not produce more fruit.
  • The first signs of fusarium wilt appear on older leaves. Leaves are yellowing and dry. The symptoms of this disease are most clearly seen during the heat of the day.
  • Brown cracks are visible in the stem, from which the brown red-coloured exudate.
  • Use the disease-free seed for sowing.
  • Plough the fields deep, destroy the weeds and make proper drainage.
  • For the effective control of fusarium wilt use the Propiconazole 25% EC @ 200 ml/acre or thiophanate-methyl 70 % WP @ 250-500 gm/acre.

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Control of damping off in tomato

  • Fungus attack usually starts on the germinating seed, spreading hypocotyls, basal stem and developing taproot.
  • Infected seedlings appear pale green with brownish water-soaked lesions at the basal portions of the stem.
  • Raise nursery beds at least 10 cm high.
  • Treat the seeds with carbendazim @ 2 gm/kg of seed.
  • To avoid mortality of seedlings due to damping off, drenching of the beds with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 400-600 gm/acre, is effective.

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Fertilizer and manure in Sorghum

  • The use of fertilizers and fertilizers depends on the condition of the soil.
  • Add farmyard manure @ 4-5 tonnes/acre at the time of field preparation.
  • Application of 40 kg urea, 45 kg DAP and 40-60 kg muriate of potash per acre at the time of final field preparation.
  • Apply 10 kg of zinc sulphate per acre.

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Nursery preparation in brinjal

  • Raised beds are necessary to avoid problem of water logging in heavy soils.
  • In sandy soils, however, sowing can be taken up in flat beds.
  • Raised beds of size 3 x 1 m and 10-15 cm in height are prepared.
  • About 70 cm distance is kept between two beds to carry out operations of watering, weeding, etc.
  • The surface of beds should be smooth and well levelled. Well-decomposed FYM or leaf mould may be mixed with the soil at the time of bed preparation.
  • To avoid mortality of seedlings due to damping off, drenching of the beds with Mancozeb 75% WP @400-600 gm/acre, is effective.

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