Nutrient Management in Brinjal

Nutrient Management in Brinjal:-

  • The fertilizer dose depends upon the fertility of soil and amount of organic manure applied to the crop.
  • For a good yield 20-25 tonnes of well decoposed FYM is incorporated into the soil.
  • Generally, application of 50 Kg Urea, 350 Kg of single super phosphate and 100 kg Muriate of potash/ha.
  • Another 100 kg of Urea in 2 top dressing should be given at one month interval after 3-4 weeks transplanting.
  • For hybrids varieties, the recommended dose is 200 Kg Nitrogen, 100 Kg Phasphoras and 100 kg Potash.

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Land Preparation For Tomato

Land Preparation forTomato:-

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving four to five ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Well decomposed FYM (15-20 tonnes/ha.) is thoroughly incorporated at the time of land preperation.
  • Total P & K and third of nitrogen can be applied basally.

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Nutrient Management in Watermelon

Nutrient Management in Watermelon :-

  • Add farm yard manure at the rate 30 tonnes/ ha. at the time of field preparation.
  • Application of 75 kg urea, 200 kg SSP and 75 Kg Murate of Potash per hectare at the time of final preparations.
  • Apply another 75 kg urea per hectare in 2-3 split doses at the time of vining and intial fruitset.
  • Total P & K and third of nitrogen can be applied basally about 8-10 cm away from the seeds.

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