Root rot control in Garlic

Control: – Remove infected plants quickly, use disease-free Cloves for planting.
Treating garlic cloves with warm water can reduce the infection by 50%. Treated with the solution Mancozeb 75% 2 Gms / litre at the time of planting.. Spray and drainching of the crop per 45 grams per pump from Carbendazim 12% +Mancozeb 60%.

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Time of fertilization in Onion

Time for Fertilization onion: –
1. At the time of preparation of the field
2. While Transplanting
3. 20-30 days after Transplanting
4. 30-45 days after Transplanting
5. 45-60 days after Transplanting
6. If any quantity of fertilizer has not been given for any reason, then some quick dissolving fertilizer can be given in 75 days.

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Manures and fertilizers in Peas

Normally 20 tones FYM should be mixed in the field approximately 1.5 months before sowing. 25 kg nitrogen 70 kg phosphorus 50 kg potash should be used per hectare. Make a mixture of fertilizers and 5 cm from the line of seed and 5 cm Under the surface of the seed should be given in the ridge at the time of sowing.

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Weed control in Carrot

To control the weeds in carrots, we should make 2 to 3 weeding- At the same time, the distance of plants should be maintain 4 to 5 Cms. When the growth of roots begins soil should be fed on the ridge. Spray Pendamethlin @ 3.5 liters per hectare per in the field immediately after sowing to control the weed control. There should be moisture in the field while spraying.

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Management of Irrigation in Garlic

Management of Irrigation in Garlic:-

  • The first irrigation should be done after planting. After three days of germination it should be irrigated again.
  • After this, irrigation should be done in 10-15 days. In summer should be irrigated in 5-7 days.
  • When tubers mature, irrigation should be reduced. Overall 15 irrigation needs are required.
  • Moisture should not be reduced in soil during the developing of Bulb, there is adverse effect on the growth of the end tuber.

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Management of Stem fly in Pea

Avoid sowing of the crop earlier than mid-October to check the attack of the pest. Remove and destroy all the affected branches during the initial stages of attack. Sowing the crop in the second fortnight of October to escape the damage of the pest. Apply 7.5 kg of phorate 10G or 25 kg of carbofuran 3 G per ha in furrows at the time of sowing. On the crop, spray three times 750 ml of oxydemeton methyl 25 EC in 750 L of water per ha. The first application should be just after germination and the other two at an interval of 2 weeks each.

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What to do for more yield in Gram?

Under rainfed condition, foliar spray of 2% urea at the time of flowering and 10 days thereafter, seed priming (soaking of seed for 4-5 hours) and sowing seed at 10 cm depth have been found benefitial in increasing the productivity.

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Suitable Climate for Wheat

Suitable Climate for Wheat:-

  • Wheat is mainly a cold and arid climate crop, so during the crop planting From 20 to 22º C, Optimal tempreture 25ºC in the time of Vegetative growth and from 14 to 15º C at the time of ripening the temperature is excellent.
  • When the temperature is high, the crop rises quickly and the yield decreases.
  • There is a lot of damage to the crop from frost.
  • When the earring gets frosts, the seeds lose germination power and its development stops.
  • In small days, the growth of leaves and tillers is high, while the day starts to rise with the earring. For its cultivation, 60-100 cm. annual rainfall areas are suitable.
  • For the growth of plants, 50-60 percent humidity has been found suitable in the atmosphere. The cold winter and warm summers are considered suitable for the better crop of wheat.

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Weed Management of Gram (chickpea)

Weed management has been found as most critical input. Most effective pre emergence herbicides have been identified in which pendimethaline is most promising. Post emergence herbicides like quizalofop-ethyl have promise to control weeds.

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Seed treatment of wheat

Seed treatment of wheat:-

  • Wheat should be treated with carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% or Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% at the rate of 2.5 gm per kg seed or Tebuconazole DS @ 1 Gm per kg seed before sowing avoid fungal diseases like root rot, Loose smut, Flag smut and other.
  • For protection from termite should be treated with Cloropyrifos 20% @ 4 Ml per kg seed.

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