Control of leaf spot disease in Soybean Crop

  • The symptoms of this disease first appear in the densely sown crop, at the lower parts of the plant. The diseased plants show symptoms like leaf spots, leaf blight or drop of leaves.

  • Leaves appear as unusual yellow spots, which later turn brown or black and the entire leaf is scorched.

  • Brown spots also appear on petiole, stem, and pods. The pods and stem tissue after infection become brown or black in color and shrink.

  • In the presence of moisture, white and brown colored formations appear on the diseased parts of the plants.

  • To prevent this disease, chlorothalonil @ 400 gram /acre or carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP @ 300 gram/acre or Kitazin @ 200 ml/acre

  • Spraying Trichoderma viride @ 250 gram/acre + Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram / acre as a biological product.

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