Rhizobium has special importance in soybean crop

  • A special type of bacteria found in the roots of soybean is called Rhizobium.

  • Rhizobium is an important bacteria, benefiting the soybean crop, it is a symbiotic bacteria.

  • Rhizobium bacteria supply nitrogen in soybean crops by converting atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate by staying as symbiotic in the root of soybean crop.

  • Rhizobium bacteria enter the root system of soybean crop after establishing in soil and make small nodules.

  • In these knots, the bacteria lives in large quantities, this bacteria absorbs natural nitrogen from the atmosphere and converts it into nutrients and provides it to the soybean plant.

  • There is a large number of bacteria found in the root nodules of the soybean plant. The health of the plant depends on the number of nodules.

  • Nitrogen is fixed in the soil by these bacteria, this nitrogen is also received by the next crop, especially when we grow wheat, then we can use less nitrogenous fertilizer.

  • In two ways, Rhizobium can be used in crops such as seed treatment and soil treatment.

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