Symptoms of this disease are the first sow in the lower parts of the plant are, the diseased plants exhibit symptoms such as foliage, leaf scorching or leaf fall, etc.
Appears on the leaves in the form of unusual brown spots, which later turn into brown or black color and the entire leaf scorches.
Brown spots appear on the petiole, stem pods, and the tissue of the pods and stems shrink to brown or black color after infection.
White and brown structures appear in the presence of moisture on diseased parts of plants.
To prevent this disease, chlorothalonil @ 400 g / acre or carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP @ 300 gram / acre or Ketazine @ 300 gram / acre
Spraying Trichoderma viridi @ 500 gram / acre + Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram / acre as a biological product.