Curvature of Bottle Gourd fruit and its prevention

In bottle gourds due to the fruit fly pest, the problem of crookedness of fruits is seen. These insects lay eggs on the bottle gourd surface and inside the fruit. Due to this, the fruits start to be crooked, it mostly attacks the young and soft fruits. Due to this holes are made in the fruits and the sap is seen coming out of the holes, due to which this fruit gets infected and starts rotting and the shape of the fruits deteriorates. Fruits start falling prematurely.

Prevention: To prevent this, apply Neemgold Neem Oil at the rate of 1000 ml/Acre or Pheromone – Fruit fly trap at the rate of 10/Acre or Bave Curb (Beauveria bassiana 5% WP) at the rate of 500 g / acre mixed with 200 litres of water.

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