These seed varieties of paddy will give tremendous yield in Rabi season!

Many farmers cultivate paddy even in the rabi season. Cold-tolerant, short-duration varieties of rice are recommended for the rabi season. Paddy nursery should be sown from 10th December to avoid cold in the growth stage. Sometimes due to excessive cold, germination does not take place or there is a possibility of death of the plants in the nursery. That is why the selection of improved seed varieties is very important.

Silky 277

  • Duration: 120-125 days

  • Plant Height: 90-95 cm

  • Kalle: 12-14

  • Disease resistant: Tolerance to major diseases and pests

  • Yield – 7.5 – 8.0 tonnes per hectare

  • Grain Type: Medium Thick.


  • Duration: 120 days

  • Yield: 40-45 q/ha

  • Grain Type: Long Thin

  • Plant Height: Semi-dwarf (108 cm)

  • Blast-resistant and BPH tolerant


  • Duration: 120 days

  • Average Yield: 40-45 quintals per hectare

  • Grain Type: Long Thin

  • Plant Height: Semi-dwarf (108 cm)

  • Blast-resistant and BPH tolerant

MTU 1001

  • Duration (days): 120-125

  • Average Yield: 97 q/ha

  • Grain Type: Medium Thin

  • Plant Height: Semi-Dwarf (115 cm),

  • Tolerant to BPH and Blast

These are some of the important paddy varieties which can be cultivated to get a good production. Sow its seed rate at 2.8 to 3.2 kg for the SRI method and 8 kg for hybrid variety and 24 kg per acre for short-duration varieties.

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