Registration begins for purchase of Kharif produce on support price in MP

Harvesting of Kharif season crops is about to begin now and in view of this, the procurement process has also been started on the support price of Kharif produce. Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said on the subject that “excellent arrangements will be made for procurement from farmers on support price of paddy etc. crops in the Kharif marketing year 2020-21”.

CM said that 1395 registration centers have been set up so far this year for the procurement of paddy, jowar, and millet on support price. Registration has started on these which will run till October 15. Explain that 9 thousand 142 farmers have registered themselves in the first two days of registration.

Talking about the support price, this time the support price of jowar, millet, and paddy has been kept at Rs 2620, 2150, and 1868 per quintal respectively. Last year it was Rs 2550, 2000 and 1825 per quintal respectively.

Source: Krishi Jagran


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