Know the right way to prepare nursery for good yield of chilli

  • The right time for nursery raising is from the last week of December to February. For planting in a one-acre area, a 40-square-meter nursery area is required.

  • For good germination of seeds and good growth of plants, it is necessary to have friable soil.

  • Which should be rich in organic matter, and well-drained loam soil with a pH range of 6.5-7.5.

  • Do one ploughing with soil turning plough and do 2-3 ploughing with the help of a harrow. and remove other unwanted materials present in the field.

  • If there is less moisture in the soil, first do light irrigation, then prepare the field.

  • And in the last, level the field by using the leveller.

  • To protect the seeds from seed and soil-borne diseases like damping off,  sow them after treating with Combat (Trichoderma viride 1.00 % WP) @ 4 gm or Monas Curb (Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.00 % WP) @ 10 gm per kg of seed.

  • After land preparation, apply FYM – 10 kg + Speed Kompost 200 gm + Maxxroot – 50 gm + DAP – 1 kg, and mix them all evenly in a 40 square meter nursery area. 

  • Seed rate – 80 to 100 grams of seed is sufficient per acre.

  • And sow the seeds in the prepared bed, and do light irrigation with the help of a watering can.

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