Management of Fruit borer in chilli

  • A circular hole is noticed at the base of the pedicel—the premature dropping of flowers and pods. The fruit turns to white colour.

  • Mainly borer larvae have grown up into the fruits.

  • Early instar larvae by making a circular hole feed on young pods and flower buds. The larvae usually feed the seeds in mature fruit.

  • At the time of feeding the larvae head inside the pod and the rest of the body outside from fruits.

  • To control adult pests, use a pheromone trap @ 8 -10 /acre.

  • First spray Profenova(Profenofos 50% E.C.) @ 300 ml/acre + Tricel (Chlorpyrifos 20% EC) @ 500 ml/acre.

  • Second Spray Profenova (Profenofos 50% EC @ 300 ml/acre + Emanova (Emamectin benzoate 5% SG) @ 80-100 gm/acre.

  • Third spray Emanova (emacactin benzoate 5% SG) @ 80-100 gm/acre + Denitol (fenpropathrin 10% EC) @ 250-300 ml/acre.

  • Fourth spray Ampligo(Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC)@ 100 ml/acre or Larvin (Thiodicarb 75% WP) @ 250 gm/acre.

  • The Bave Curb (Beauveria bassiana) @ 250 gm/acre as a biological treatment.

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