Cause and diagnosis of Nitrogen deficiency in soil

  • During vegetative growth, crops need more nitrogen, if its availability is low at this stage then crop production is greatly affected.

  • Reason for nitrogen deficiency: Nitrogen deficiency is found in sandy soil and soil with good drainage, frequent rain or heavy irrigation also cause nitrogen deficiency in the soil 

  • Loss of Nitrogen Deficiency: Due to deficiency of nitrogen, the color of the plant becomes light green, growth of plants is less than normal and the number of  spikes is reduced. In cereal crops such as corn, paddy, wheat, etc., the lower leaves of the plant first start drying up. and gradually the top leaves also dry up, the color of the leaves is white and the leaves sometimes burn. Due to its excess, the yellowing of the leaves is seen in large amounts and due to this, the amount of other nutrients is also affected.

Two ways can be taken to compensate for nitrogen deficiency.

  • Organic measures: Under organic  measures, organic manure which is considered a good source of nitrogen is very important to use in different growth stages of the crop. It is very important to use organic fertilizers like vermicompost, manure. Nitrogenous bacteria like Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Rhizobium etc can reduce the nitrogen deficiency.

  • Chemical measures: Nitrogen-containing fertilizers such as Urea, NPK, Ammonium nitrate, Ammonium sulfate, 12:61:00, 13:00:45 can be used to overcome nitrogen deficiency and for good crop production.

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