Medicinal Properties of Mushroom

  • It is one of the most protein-rich foods in the world, which prevents malnutrition.
  • Enzymes and fibers present in mushrooms protect against heart disease by reducing cholesterol.
  • Due to low carbohydrates and fat, it is a great diet for people suffering from diseases and disorders like heart patients, diabetes and obesity.
  • It is a diet that also contains abundant vitamin-D, which helps in strengthening of human bones as well as absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  • The fiber available in it makes the body’s digestive system strong and also increases appetite.
  • It has a special role in strengthening bones and increasing the body’s immunity.
  • Some varieties of mushrooms also prevent the formation of lumps in the body, which may later cause cancer.
  • Folic acid and iron present in it help make red granules in the blood.
  • 100 grams of mushroom provides more than 20% vitamin-B, essential mineral salts such as selenium 30%, copper 25%, and 10-19% phosphorus and potassium daily.

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