Nutrient Management in Maize

Maize is primarily a kharif season crop, but due to its growing demand in the market and availability of all-weather varieties, it is now being cultivated in all three seasons.

Nutrient management in crops varies according to season, climate and variety. Apart from this, it is necessary to do nutrient management in the crop on the basis of the soil test. Mix 5 tons of well-composted farmyard manure per acre at the time of field preparation about 10 -15 days before sowing in maize. At the time of soil preparation, apply 50 kg DAP, 50 kg Muriate of Potash, Gromor (Sulphur 90% WG) @ 3 kg per acre in the field.

Zinc is an important nutrient for high production in maize. To fulfill this, use 3-4 kg of zinc per acre.

Keep this in mind! Do not use zinc with any type of phosphorus-containing fertilizer. It reduces the availability of zinc in the crop.

On the other hand, when there is a deficiency of Boron in the soil, the application of 500 grams of Boron per acre is sufficient for the field.

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