Management of Fall Armyworm in Maize

  • This insect hides in piles of soil, straw, weeds during the day, and eats crops overnight. Huge numbers of these insects can be seen in infested farms/crops. This pest tends to damage the entire crop by feeding in a very short time. Hence management/control of this pest is very necessary. 
  • In areas where the infestation of fall armyworm pests is high, spraying any of the following insecticides should be done immediately.
  • Spray: – LAMBDA CYHALOTHRIN 4.6% + CHLORANTRANILIPROLE 9.3% ZC 100 ml / acre, or CHLORANTRANILIPROLE18.5% SC @ 60 ml / acre, or EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 5% SG @ 100 gram / acre 
  • Biological treatment BEAUVERIA BASSIANA @ 250 gram/acre
  • In areas where its attack is less, Farmers should place small piles of straw on the border of their farmland or in the middle of the field if possible. During the day the armyworm hides in these straw piles in search of shade. In the evening this straw should be collected and burnt.

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