Benefits of fertilizer management after sowing in maize crop

  • Maize is the second important crop grown after wheat, it is a versatile crop, as it is a major component of the diet of humans and animals, as  well as it is also important from an industrial point of view.

  • Maize is cultivated in three seasons, Kharif (June to July), Rabi (October to November) and Zayed (February to March). Kharif (June to July) is the ideal time to prepare the fields for sowing of maize. Maize should be sown with the onset of monsoon or with the arrival of rain.

  • At the stage of 15 -20 days after sowing of maize crop nutrient management is beneficial for good growth and yield of maize, at this time, mix Urea @ 35 kg + Magnesium Sulphate @ 5 kg + Zinc Sulphate @ 5 kg per acre in the soil.

  • Urea: – Urea is the biggest source of nitrogen supply in maize crops. With its use, there is no problem of yellowing and drying in the leaves. Urea accelerates the process of photosynthesis.

  • Magnesium Sulphate:- The use of magnesium sulphate in maize crop increases greenery and accelerates the process of photosynthesis, ultimately leading to higher yield and quality of crop..

  • Zinc Sulphate: Zinc is a major micronutrient for the normal growth of plants. By its use, the growth of the maize plant is good, the yield of the crop increases.

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