Weed Management in Maize

  • In the early stages of maize, crop Weeds cause damage. Therefore, it is necessary to do extracting.
  • Weeds are destroyed by using weedicide before germination on the second or third day of sowing.
  • Maize weeds are generally in the form of annual grass and narrow and broad leaves.
  • we can use following weedicide in maize 
  • Spraying of  Tembotrione 42% SC @ 115 ml / acre (in 2-3 leaf stage) or  Topramezone 33.6% SC @ 30 ml / acre (in 2-3 leaf stage).
  • Spraying 2,4 D @ 400 ml / acre (20-25  days after sowing).
  • Spray Atrazine 50% WP @ 500 gram / acre (3 to 5 days later).
  • If pulses crops are to be grown as intercrop, do not use atrazine. In its place, spraying Pendimethalin @ 800 ml/acre.

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