Identification and control of bacterial wilt disease in brinjal crop

Wilt disease is observed at the stage of 50-55 days of the crop. Affected plants suddenly wither and dry slowly. Such plants get uprooted easily when pulled by hand. Due to wilt disease, the roots of diseased plants turn brown and black from the inside. On dissecting the diseased plants, the tissue appears black. The leaves of the plants wither and fall down. This disease increases due to excess moisture and heat in the ground.

Control: Disease-resistant varieties should be selected, it is a soil-borne disease, so it is necessary to do soil treatment, for this, treat the soil with Combat (Trichoderma viride 1% WP) 2 kg/acre or if the symptoms of the disease appear, In case of disease symptoms, Blue Copper (Copper oxychloride 50% WP) @ 300 gm/acre mixed with water should be applied through drip or soil drenching.

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