Government is giving 55000 rupees help for daughters marriage

Madhya Pradesh government is running ‘Mukhyamantri Kanya Vivah Yojana’ for the marriage of daughters of the state. Through this scheme, financial assistance of 55 thousand rupees will be given for the marriage of the daughter. Earlier in the scheme, a cash amount of Rs 51 thousand was given to the beneficiary. Now the government has decided to increase the amount as well as give it as gift material.

According to this, only daughters belonging to poor families can take advantage of this scheme. Where the girl getting married must be above 18 years of age. Along with this, the age of the boy marrying the girl should be more than 21 years. Apart from this, the parents who have got divorced can also get benefits under this scheme for their daughters. Along with this, the girl’s name must be registered on the Samagra portal.

One can apply for this scheme both online and offline. If you are also eligible under this scheme, then apply soon and take advantage of it.

Source: Navbharat Times

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