This variety of onion giving bumper is available only on gramophone, read its features

Farmers cultivating onions in the Kharif season are currently in this dilemma: which seed should they choose? In order to overcome this dilemma of Gramophone farmers, in today’s article, we are going to give information related to the best varieties of Kharif onions. This variety is the Bhoomi of Hyveg.

Hyveg Company’s Bhoomi is an improved variety cultivated in Kharif and late Kharif seasons. The maturity period of this variety is 140 to 150 days. Plants of this variety are strong. Its bulbs are round in shape and bright red in color and the average weight of the bulb ranges from 90 to 100 grams.

This variety is a great option for you which will not only give good yield but the quality of the produce will also be such that it will get a good price in the market. This time Gramophone has specially selected this variety for the farmers of Madhya Pradesh. You will only find this variety on Gramophone. So don’t delay and buy it immediately.

Click here to purchase.

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