If your onion is 75-80 days old then do this spraying

  • To get a high-quality yield from the onion crop, special care is required to increase the size of the bulbs at the age of 75-80 days and protect the crop from the damage of pests and diseases. 

  • If the bulb is uniform in size, good and healthy, then the market price is also good and healthy bulbs can be stored for a long time.

  • At this time, farmers can get high yields by adopting the following suggestions –

  • For good yield, foliar spray of water-soluble fertilizers is necessary, for this spraying can be done at 00:00:50 @ 1 kg per acre. It helps in increasing the size of the onion.

  • For pest and disease management in the crop, spraying of Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD (Benevia) 250 ml + Tebuconazole 25.9% EC (Folicure) @ 200 ml per acre can be done.

  • With the above spray, silicone-based stickers can be mixed with Chipko (Silico Max) 5 ml per 15-litre tank.

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