Prepare beds for onion nursery like this

  • To prepare the field for nursery beds, deep plowing should be done with moldboard plow and soil clods should be broken 2-3 times with cultivator.

  • Before preparing the nursery bed, previous crop residues, weeds and stones should be removed.

  • The nursery area should be prepared near a water source for easy irrigation.

  • Approximately 0.05 hectare nursery area is required for planting in one-hectare field.

  • At the time of last ploughing, mix 500 kg of well-decomposed cowdung manure (FYM) and 1.25 kg of Trichoderma viride and mix it well in the soil.

  • The bed should be prepared in the east and west direction and the line on the bed should be made from north to south.

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