Harm and symptoms of lame fever disease in animals

One of the major diseases occurring in cattle is lameness fever. And if the treatment of lame fever in animals is not done at the right time, then the animals can die. Lame fever is known by many names like black quarter disease, Krishna Janga disease, lameness disease, Jaharbad disease, Ektanga disease, etc. Cows of a young age are more affected by this disease. Animals can die within 24 hours after the symptoms of lameness fever appear. The outbreak of this disease is more in the month of April to June.

Symptoms of lameness fever in cattle

  • The body temperature of animals increases.

  • Swelling occurs in the flesh of the legs and back of animals.

  • Due to pain in the leg, animals start walking with a limp.

  • Animals sit or lie down for a long time.

  • After some time the swelling cools down and the swollen part starts rotting.

  • On pressing the rotten place, there is a sound of char-char.

Preventive measures against lame fever

  • Every year all animals from 4 months to 3 years should get a lame fever vaccine.

  • To protect animals from lameness fever, do regular cleaning of the animal house.

  • Keep disease-affected animals separate from healthy animals.

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