Damage and control measure of fruit fly in watermelon

The attack of fruit flies is serious in watermelon crops, The adult fly lays eggs in flowers or directly on fruits. and after hatching the larvae bore holes in the fruit and eat the fruit from inside, which can cause heavy rotting inside the pulp. Also, small spots are formed on the skin of the fruit where the eggs are laid, and the damage caused by this makes the fruit more susceptible to fungal and bacterial infections. Due to this, there is a reduction in production and the quality of the fruit is also affected.

Control: For control and monitoring of fruit flies, apply Melon fly lure @ 10 traps per acre in the field under IPM. And spray Neemgold (Azadirachtin 0.3% EC) @ 1600 ml per acre in 150-200 litres of water.

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